
Latest version: v0.11.0

Safety actively analyzes 681866 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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New features

* Add the `PDF.page_references` property
* Revert the `PDF.pages['Kids']` behavior to be backwards compatible with version 0.3.0

Backers and sponsors

* Grip Angebotssoftware
* Manuel Barkhau
* Crisp BV
* SimonSoft
* Menutech
* Spacinov
* KontextWork
* René Fritz
* NCC Group
* Kobalt
* Tom Pohl
* John R Ellis
* Moritz Mahringer
* Yanal-Yvez Fargialla
* Gábor
* Piotr Horzycki
* Andrew Ittner


New features

* Allow nth page’s reference to be retrieved using `PDF.pages['Kids'][n]`

Backers and sponsors

* Grip Angebotssoftware
* Manuel Barkhau
* Crisp BV
* SimonSoft
* Menutech
* Spacinov
* KontextWork
* René Fritz
* NCC Group
* Kobalt
* Tom Pohl
* John R Ellis
* Moritz Mahringer
* Yanal-Yvez Fargialla
* Gábor
* Piotr Horzycki
* Andrew Ittner


New features

* Support marked content
* Allow version and ID to be specified when initializing PDF objects


* Guillaume Ayoub

Backers and sponsors

* Grip Angebotssoftware
* Manuel Barkhau
* Crisp BV
* SimonSoft
* Menutech
* Spacinov
* KontextWork
* René Fritz
* NCC Group
* Kobalt
* Tom Pohl
* John R Ellis
* Moritz Mahringer
* Gábor
* Piotr Horzycki
* Andrew Ittner



* Python 3.7+ is now needed, Python 3.6 is not supported anymore

New features

* d0be36b: Allow to set PDF version
* 879261c: Allow to set PDF identifier


* Guillaume Ayoub

Backers and sponsors

* Grip Angebotssoftware
* Manuel Barkhau
* Crisp BV
* SimonSoft
* Menutech
* Spacinov
* KontextWork
* René Fritz
* Kobalt
* NCC Group
* Des images et des mots
* Nathalie Gutton
* Andreas Zettl
* Tom Pohl
* Moritz Mahringer
* Florian Demmer
* Yanal-Yvez Fargialla
* Gábor
* Piotr Horzycki


Released on 2021-10-30.

Bug fixes:

* 9: Implement escaping for Strings


* Guillaume Ayoub
* Rian McGuire

Backers and sponsors:

* Grip Angebotssoftware
* SimonSoft
* Menutech
* Manuel Barkhau
* Simon Sapin
* KontextWork
* René Fritz
* Maykin Media
* NCC Group
* Crisp BV
* Des images et des mots
* Andreas Zettl
* Nathalie Gutton
* Tom Pohl
* Moritz Mahringer
* Florian Demmer
* Yanal-Yvez Fargialla
* G. Allard
* Gábor


Released on 2021-08-22.

Bug fixes

* 0f7c8e9: Fix string encoding


* Guillaume Ayoub

Backers and sponsors

* Grip Angebotssoftware
* PDF Blocks
* SimonSoft
* Menutech
* Manuel Barkhau
* Simon Sapin
* KontextWork
* René Fritz
* Maykin Media
* NCC Group
* Des images et des mots
* Andreas Zettl
* Nathalie Gutton
* Tom Pohl
* Moritz Mahringer
* Florian Demmer
* Yanal-Yvez Fargialla

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