
Latest version: v2.0.8

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* 增加对于谷歌地图 `GMap` 的兼容,使用方式参考 `AMap`
* 增加对于 Leaflet 地图 `LMap` 的兼容,使用方式参考 `AMap`
* 增加对于 Echarts Stat 统计插件的兼容

* 更新 `Base` 类,增加 `use_echarts_stat` api 用于嵌入 Echarts 统计插件
* `Line` 图支持 `dataset_index` 的配置
* `Calendar` 日历图支持多个图例配置


* Added compatibility for Google Maps `GMap`. Refer to `AMap` for usage.
* Added compatibility for Leaflet maps `LMap`. Refer to `AMap` for usage.
* Added compatibility for the Echarts Stat statistical plugin.

* Updated the `Base` class and added the `use_echarts_stat` API for embedding the Echarts statistical plugin.
* The `Line` chart supports the configuration of `dataset_index`.
* The `Calendar` chart supports multiple calendar options configurations.


* 增加对于高德地图 `AMap` 的兼容,使用方式参考 `BMap`

* 2380 更新一些配置的引用位置和方式 `markline`, `markarea` 增加动画配置项:
* 2350 更新 `timeline` 支持 `3D` 图。
* 2385 支持 `marimo` 渲染 `pyecharts` 图表。
* 2373 支持 `Page` 使用 `is_embed_js` 参数用于离线可视化
* CI 增加 Python 3.13 的测试,版本兼容 Python 3.13
* `AxisOpts` 增加 `animation_opts` 配置
* `LabelOpts` 增加 `is_value_animation(valueAnimation)` 配置

* 2380 修复 `timeline` 的 bug,关联:
* 修复 `AnimationOpts` 错误的类型提示


* [issue2325]( 增加 RenderSepType 用于执行渲染换行符
* [pr2338]( Migrate the test code from `nose` to `nose2/unittest`
* [pr2347]( 增加 `add_js_events` 实验性 API 添加 JS 操作函数
* [pr2348]( 增加 `Emphasis3DOpts`, `BlurOpts`, `SelectOpts`, `TreeLeavesOpts` 配置项

* [pr2256]( 仪表盘指针配置项 `GaugePointerOpts` 支持设置样式 `itemstyle_opts`
* [pr2338]( 更新 `DataZoomOpts` 配置
* [pr2338]( 更新 `ThreeAxisChart` 配置
* [pr2347]( 更新 `boxplot, custom, effectscatter, funnel, kline, pie, radar` charts configuration.
* [pr2348]( 更新 `bar, boxplot, funnel, heatmap, parallel, pie, tree` charts configuration
* [pr2345]( 更新 `(Graph-Label-textBorder)`
* [pr2350]( 更新 Timeline + 3D charts(可能存在部分场景不兼容)
* [pr22]( 更新 world.js
* [pr23]( 更新 v5 静态资源版本到 Echarts 5.5.0

* [pr2286]( 修复 VisualMapOpts::out_of_range
* [pr2338]( 修复 BarBackgroundStyleOpts
* [pr2338]( 修复 Timeline + Geo


* [issue2259]( Add `GeoItem` for compatibility with incoming latitude/longitude data only.
* [issue2254]( Add an error alert for Numpy and Pandas non-native data structures as data inputs.

* [issue2227]( Update the part of `Sunburst` configuration.
* [issue2263]( Update `Emphasis` configuration to all charts.
* [issue2240]( Update the part of `Radar` configuration.
* [issue2286]( Update the part of `VisualMapOpts` configuration.

* [issue2236]( Fix style anomalies in `LegendOpts.border_width` caused by certain configurations.
* [issue2264]( Fix multiple `DataZoomOpts` failures under `Grid.
* [issue2265]( Fix `Sankey` configuration bug.


* [issue2219]( [**EXPERIMENTAL**] Updated `Geo` to support `Pie` diagram configuration.
* [issue2096]( added `recipes` file for `conda-forge [pull-requests#23709](

* [issue2213]( Updated `Kline` configuration, added K-line bar width configuration.
* [issue2211]( Updated configuration of `Graph` graph, `GraphNode` and `GraphLink`.
* [issue2194]( Updated `Sankey` configuration to add `EdgeLabel` configuration to match `LabelOpts`.
* [issue2176]( Updated `ThemeRiver` configuration.


* [pr2158]( 增加一个渲染配置方式(将 `js` 文件嵌入 `HTML` 文件)by omixwxm

* [issue2144]( 修复使用 `timeline` 时 `legend` 选择状态异常
* [issue2153]( 修复 `Grid.visualMap` 的异常
* [issue2165]( 修复 `Line` 图使用 `dataset` 异常的问题

* 代码覆盖率:99%
* `2.0.3` 之后请使用 `LegendOpts.selected_map` 而不是 `add_yaxis.is_selected`
* 因为原来的方式会导致部分配置冲突,因此统一使用 `LegendOpts` 对 `Legend` 初始是否选中进行配置


* [pr2158]( Add a rendering configuration (embedding `js` files into `HTML` files) by omixwxm

* [issue2144]( Fix `legend` selection state exception when using `timeline`
* [issue2153]( Fix exception for `Grid.visualMap`.
* [issue2165]( Fix `dataset` exception for `Line` diagrams

* Code coverage: 99%.
* Please use `LegendOpts.selected_map` instead of `is_selected`.
* As the previous use of `is_selected` caused some configuration conflicts, subsequent versions have been configured using `LegendOpts`.

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