* Support for a new Reed-Soloman backend (liberasurecode_rs_vand)
- naive, non-accelerated version, native to liberasurecode
* Single version, with liberasurecode distributed in the package,
installed if necessary. No versions going forward with Jerasure
included. Use 'liberasurecode_rs_vand' for default test backend.
* Test code refactor for eliminating duplicated code, add cases
for liberasurecode_rs_vand and making jerasure/isa_l test cases
* Better Python3 support
* setup.py enhancements
- improved library path detection on Mac OS X (and Linux) including
workarounds for Mac OS X dyld bugs for library search paths
- handling installroot better for optional liberasurecode installs
* tox support for automated py27 and py34 testing