
Latest version: v0.18.6

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This release adds support for controlling EVSEs/EV Chargers. You can start and stop charging, as well as set the desired and maximum charge rates for the EVSE. Additionally there's a method to check if the API is down for maintenance and several objects were updated to include more of the information that is returned from the API, most notably latitude and longitude is populated where available, information about if the device is connected and when it went offline, and the parent device id/channel for nested devices.


Also includes notes for v0.10.0.

Added new method `get_usage_over_date_range(self, channel, start, end, scale=Scale.DAY.value, unit=Unit.WATTS.value)` for getting the usage for days, weeks, months, years. This method must be used to get historical data for any time frame of a day or more now, the call to get_usage_for_time_scale will not work properly with scales of a day or more, only giving data for today/this week/month/year. Note that there is some weird behavior regarding the dates associated with the data returned so take note of the recommendations in the readme and do some manual verification as well.


Added requirement for python-dateutil. Using dateutil to parse dates and handle timezones. Fixes 2.


Added `get_usage_for_time_scale(datetime, scale, unit)` to get the usage for each channel for a specific "bucket" of time. For example, getting the total usage for a day in the recent past or the total usage during a specific hour of time.


Added functionality to pull sub-devices out of a primary device and flatten them at the same level as the main device. This is to enable getting data from the expansion module (which is listed as a sub-device of the main Vue unit). The expansion module should now show up as another device when calling `get_devices` with the same gid as the main unit.
Note that I do not have the expansion module so I cannot directly test this change myself with it.


- Add additional information to `populate_device_properties`.
- Fix for issue with locationProperties being None
- Fix for issue with device usage being None, uses 0 instead.

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