-- Issue 25 - Move BaseIterator and FileMapper logic to Iterator and
Mapper respectively; remove BaseIterator.
-- Issue 26 - Add directory attribute to pyerector.vcs.base.Base
subclasses; move vcs_check under Base as a classmethod.
-- Issue 27 - lazy-evaluating Path works, but not properly integrated
with the rest of the modules.
-- Issue 28 - Allow a cons as a valid return type of Iterator.next;
handle that specially in Mapper.next.
-- Issue 29 - The InitVCS target has been deprecated. The VCS() function
is called just before the package finishes being impored.
-- Issue 30 - pyerector.version.Version is now exported from the package;
it is callable with release number strings to compare with the the
current release number. If greater than the current release,
terminate with an error message.
New target
-- Testonly performs the Unittest task and the Test target now has
the dependencies of "Build, Testonly", with no tasks. This allows
calling the "testonly" target without rebuilding everything.
New task
-- Touch which is similar to the touch(1) command, creating files if
they do not exist.
New type
-- FileVariable allows some deferred resolution; file is loaded when
accessed, not when created.
Other fixes/enhancements:
-- The Exclusions object now accepts three values: True, False and None;
False will still include VCS().directory, and None will not include
any extra values.
-- Change vcs modules to a plugin type setup, using same registration
as being used by Initer; plugins loaded automatically when
pyerector.vcs.VCS is called.
-- Get the proper information back from Mercurial; previously only the
tip was retrieve.
-- Allow for mappers in Tokenize.
-- Typo in Symlinki task.
-- Add *.user and *.date variables from VCS.current_info.
-- Fix the template string for git-log; add an assertion.
-- Tokenize now allows for multiple Iterators/Mappers to be passed.
-- Various fixes to Iterators and Mappers; add uptodates entries in
-- Do not use assertions for type checking.
-- Initer.asserttype returns TypeError now.
-- Blank values for version strings.
-- Get a closer timestamp for svn.date comparison in unittests.
-- Allow an Iterator to be passed to Iterator.adjust.
-- Use th proper version variables.
-- Remove unused u() function.
-- Fix unit tests after making Base.args into a tuple.