* fix detecting `--pretend` mode of emerge command
* remove passing *-p*, *--pretend* option * remove passing *-q*, **--quiet* parameters to **emerge** action * add *--with-bdeps=y* and *--keep-going=y* to **pye -w emerge** (emerge world) * add *--with-bdeps=y* to **check** action and **pye -w emerge** (emerge -pv world)
Only minor internal changes and repo clean-up.
* New CLI parameters: * _-d_, _--clean-print_ - Run deep clean with pretend after emerge and print info * _-c_, _--clean-run_ - Run deep clean after emerge and do the clean * New states for `e_sta` command * _-v_, _--verbose_ and _-q_, -_-quite_ work better now * internal code clean-up
Two new commands: * `e_sta` - Get current stage of emerging package * `e_prog` - Get current progress of emerging packages