[PyEventLogViewer - Installation and How to Use](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfaw73EoL1Q)
* Added the ability to recover some deleted records
* Cleaned up feedback on the status bar for import errors
* Collect event IDs 20001 and 20003
* Fix visual issue with the status bar changing sizes
* Rename database files to match the project name
* Bind enter/escape to the appropriate action in many UI windows
* Better handling of record errors
* Added a button for clearing the current filters
* Added a more advanced filtering framework
* Add an 'IN' operator for filters, which checks to see if a cell is contained in a comma-separated list
* Convert parser to gather records based on event source and ID instead of just event ID
* Add a start-up window to give the user an introduction to the software
* Change record highlighting settings to display in a more user-friendly format
* Fixed issue with first-run on a fresh installs
Known issues:
* GUI framework is a bit buggy when it comes to check-boxes on macOS.