. support __len__. len(book) returns the number of sheets and len(sheet)
returns the number of rows
. `144 <https://github.com/pyexcel/pyexcel/issues/144>`_: memory-efficient way
to read sheet names.
. `148 <https://github.com/pyexcel/pyexcel/issues/148>`_: force_file_type is
introduced. When reading a file on a disk, this parameter allows you to
choose a reader. i.e. csv reader for a text file. xlsx reader for a xlsx file
but with .blob file suffix.
. finally, pyexcel got import pyexcel.__version__
. Sheet.to_records() returns a generator now, saving memory
. `115 <https://github.com/pyexcel/pyexcel/issues/115>`_, Fix set membership
test to run faster in python2
. `140 <https://github.com/pyexcel/pyexcel/issues/140>`_, Direct writes to
cells yield weird results