What's Changed
* fix: fix the issue that lists were created by reference by Zncl2222 in https://github.com/Zncl2222/pyfastexcel/pull/64
* Refactor: remove FastWriter and rename NormalWriter by Zncl2222 in https://github.com/Zncl2222/pyfastexcel/pull/65
* test: split pyfastexcel to workbook and writer test by Zncl2222 in https://github.com/Zncl2222/pyfastexcel/pull/66
* docs: add the documentation of function 'cell' by Zncl2222 in https://github.com/Zncl2222/pyfastexcel/pull/67
* feat: benchmark by Zncl2222 in https://github.com/Zncl2222/pyfastexcel/pull/68
* docs: add os information in benchmark figure and modify the images link by Zncl2222 in https://github.com/Zncl2222/pyfastexcel/pull/69
* fix: fix the problem that sheet1 does not create correctly by Zncl2222 in https://github.com/Zncl2222/pyfastexcel/pull/70
* docs: fix the figure src by Zncl2222 in https://github.com/Zncl2222/pyfastexcel/pull/72
* Refactor: restructure workbook, worksheet, style and driver by Zncl2222 in https://github.com/Zncl2222/pyfastexcel/pull/73
* Style: rename set_merge_cell to merge_cell by Zncl2222 in https://github.com/Zncl2222/pyfastexcel/pull/74
* refactor: rework logging to utilize module-level logger by Zncl2222 in https://github.com/Zncl2222/pyfastexcel/pull/77
* Refactor: remove duplicate function by Zncl2222 in https://github.com/Zncl2222/pyfastexcel/pull/78
* Feature: add auto filter by Zncl2222 in https://github.com/Zncl2222/pyfastexcel/pull/79
* Feature: workbook protection by Zncl2222 in https://github.com/Zncl2222/pyfastexcel/pull/80
* build: bump version to v0.08 by Zncl2222 in https://github.com/Zncl2222/pyfastexcel/pull/81
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/Zncl2222/pyfastexcel/compare/v0.0.7...v0.0.8