What's Changed * Added NAT to add_firewall_policy function by rvivian in https://github.com/akshaymane920/pyFortimanagerAPI/pull/8 * Add model device fix by ralle12345 in https://github.com/akshaymane920/pyFortimanagerAPI/pull/9 * 0.1.7 by Omega-Networks in https://github.com/akshaymane920/pyFortimanagerAPI/pull/14
New Contributors * rvivian made their first contribution in https://github.com/akshaymane920/pyFortimanagerAPI/pull/8 * ralle12345 made their first contribution in https://github.com/akshaymane920/pyFortimanagerAPI/pull/9 * Omega-Networks made their first contribution in https://github.com/akshaymane920/pyFortimanagerAPI/pull/14
* **BugFix/Improvement**: Removed exit() from login method as it terminates the execution if login creds are incorrect Instead returned session as it is.
* Added Api calls to **run scripts on Fortimanger Database** and **Fortigate Remote CLI from Fortimanager**. * Added a method to **backup FortiGate configuration from Fortimanager**. **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/akshaymane920/pyFortimanagerAPI/compare/0.1.4...0.1.5
What's New * Added Api calls for dealing with Scripts in Fortimanager * Documentation for Old Api calls i.e. adding devices, meta data and setting installation targets for packages updated README.md **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/akshaymane920/pyFortimanagerAPI/compare/0.1.3...0.1.4
What's Changed * Tweeked *Login* method to make it more interactive. * Fixed NoneType error while using more than 2 methods from package. * 3 adjustments by svde in https://github.com/akshaymane920/pyFortimanagerAPI/pull/1 * add get_firewall_vip_objects by svde in https://github.com/akshaymane920/pyFortimanagerAPI/pull/3 * Bump urllib3 from 1.26.3 to 1.26.5 by dependabot in https://github.com/akshaymane920/pyFortimanagerAPI/pull/4 * minor fixes // gitignore update and Readme update by fuegito in https://github.com/akshaymane920/pyFortimanagerAPI/pull/5
New Contributors * svde made their first contribution in https://github.com/akshaymane920/pyFortimanagerAPI/pull/1 * dependabot made their first contribution in https://github.com/akshaymane920/pyFortimanagerAPI/pull/4 * fuegito made their first contribution in https://github.com/akshaymane920/pyFortimanagerAPI/pull/5