- new dependencies: `attr` (core), `flaky` (for tests only)
- removed deprecated option to use `$LALPULSAR_DATADIR` for ephemerides
- added `SignalToNoiseRatio` class (equivalent to `lalapps_PredictFstat`)
and `DetectorStates` helper class in new `snr` module
- ` InjectionParametersGenerator` and its children moved
to separate module `injection_parameters`
- `Writer` (and its children) now accepts `timestamps`
as a list, dict over detectors,
or comma-separated string of files per detector
(`timestampsFiles` input is now deprecated)
- some simplifications to `Writer` internal methods
- for developers:
- test suite now split up by module,
full suite can now be run with `pytest tests/`
- flaky MCMC tests will be rerun 3 times if needed
- now enforcing `isort` import ordering style
and some other simple pre-commit-hook rules