- Added new widget ``VFill``, 403, 400.
- Fix widget selection sound, 402, 399.
- Fix widget methods ``show()`` and ``hide()``, now it propagates the Menu widget positioning instantly.
- Fix ``NoneWidget`` alignment.
- Improve docs.
- New ScrollArea method ``get_border_size()``.
- New ``border`` param in ``Menu.get_width()`` and ``Menu.get_height()`` methods.
- New ``force`` param in ``hide_scrollbars()`` method, 396, 397.
- New Menu method ``get_widgets_column()``.
- New ``SCROLLAREA_POSITION_NONE`` ScrollArea position.
- Remove ``is_callable`` function, 394, 395. Deprecated method will be removed in ``v5``.
- WidgetManager ``horizontal_margin`` is now public.