โ Cheer Up! ๐ต
๐ โจ )) โจ ๐
๐โ (( * โฃโ ๐ we have a `python3 -m pip install pygame==2.0.2.dev2`
๐โ*๐ โฃโ ๐
๐โโโโ ๐
๐ For YOU ๐ฐ
Hello internet strangers. Weโre back with a new release, packed with tons of mundane bug fixes and unexciting improvements! Itโs been a while since the last release, but in that time pygame development has been moving ahead. This release, 36 contributors (25 new ones!) contributed over 75 pull requests. Since 2.0.1, over 200 files were edited, with more than 16,000 lines added, and more than 7,000 lines deleted.
This is a development pre-release, so we can test out new release machinery. Probably we will do a couple more dev pre-releases, but we hope to have a full 2.0.2 release soon. There's a bunch of PRs still open that we want to help resolve and merge in before that.
So grab a beverage,
and doom scroll our release notes,
we prepared just for you,
(&& those other interweb weirdos)
Bug Fixes ๐
Artisanal source code like ours has the best intentions, but there's nothing like computers to bamboozle our best efforts.
It used to be actual bugs climbing inside the pipe organs programmed to play and the looms programmed to weave, but these days that excuse doesn't really work. Our bad.
<p align="center">
<img src="https://www.scienceandindustrymuseum.org.uk/sites/default/files/styles/embedded_image/public/2019-06/Mount-Street-Mill-2.jpg?itok=Nvw2JGy7" width="320" />
<p align="center">
<small><i>Bugs in this 1910 Jacquard loom would be actual bugs</i></small>
New contributor mhollands fixed an issue where arcs wouldnโt fully draw in 2480
<p align="center">(See more the video at <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PBd3VJrfDw">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PBd3VJrfDw</a> if you're interested)</p>
ankith26 fixed
- the init systems to prevent bugs from init-quit-init (2428)
- an error handling bug in pixelarray in 2444
- the pygame default font would break when packaged with PyInstaller (2604)
Starbuck5 fixed:
- 20 second load times for SysFont on Mac, and also gave Windows SysFont some love (2594, 2640).
- A bug where `freetype` would think coordinates of -1 represented an error was fixed in 2576.
- A rare segfault in `mixer.pre_init()` on Mac, in 2494
- Where window size couldn't be reduced after leaving `SCALED` mode on Windows (2587)
- Exiting fullscreen would put your window at (0, 0) in 2460
- A failure in `display.set_gamma()` in 2524
- The pygame.scrap module building properly on Mac and Windows (2499, 2495).
MightyJosip fixed duplicate entries in `display.list_modes()` in 2470
robertpfeiffer fixed
- IME placement in `SCALED` mode in 2451
- A rare bug where `Color.hsva` would return invalid values in 2467
Sysfont fixes
One module in particular has come a long way in this release โ sysfont. Thanks to Starbuck5
As well as working better on windows and mac... Before, if you requested "Cambria," pygame would silently give out Cambria bold.

Now, Cambria is Cambria

(Of course you can still request bold from SysFont and it will hook you up, at least for Cambria)
New Features โจ
dr0id added
- vector projection to the `Vector2` and `Vector3` classes in 2510
- a โtouchโ attribute to all mouse events in 2514
`projected = v3.project(v3)` This is useful for collision detection in finding the components in a certain direction (e.g. in direction of the wall). For a more detailed explanation see `Wikipedia <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vector_projection>`_.
The .touch attribute is for events that were generated by a touch input device, and not a real mouse. You might want to ignore such events, if your application already handles finger events.
robertpfeiffer added an `exclude` argument to `pygame.event.get()`, allowing inverse filtering, in 2512, with a test in 2546.
MyreMylar worked on
- changing `mixer.set_reserved()` to return the number of channels actually reserved in 2490
- adding an actual implementation to the `force` parameter of `mixer.find_channel()` in 2491 Before it simply wasn't implemented, only documented.
Starbuck5 added
- a namehint argument to `mixer.music.load()` for easier loading of music from file-like objects. (2497)
- Vector2 support to the `transform`, `display`, and `Mask` modules, as well as keyword argument support to the `transform` and `Mask` modules (2536, 2557, 2581)
Internal / Portability
New contributor Muxelmann fixed the path to homebrew in 2636, fixing some pygame issues on M1 Mac!
New contributor odidev and illume added aarch64 wheel build support, along with a docker file, and github actions tests for it in 2610 and 2675
New contributor fniephaus made a compatibility fix for GraalPython in 2580
MyreMylar updated the sse2neon header to make it build alpha blitter on arm in 2425
ankith26 and illume added github actions, disabled travis builds except arm64 in 2507 and 2600. This was crucial to keep pygame development functional after the shutdown of travis-ci.org.
Pierre-Sassoulas used their pylint expertise to keep pygameโs code base clean and functional in 2509, 2579, and 2634.
Starbuck5 added Python 3.10 support in 2586, updated functions to return bools rather than ints in 2534, and moved to SDL 2.0.16 on Windows in 2670.
illume moved to SDL 2.0.16 on Linux, as well as many other dependency updates, in 2676
=(__ ___ __ __)=
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| python -m pygame.docs |
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| A large number |
| documentation fixes |
| were made in this |
| release. |
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llindstrom, Pierre-Sassoulas, and Starbuck5 corrected incorrection information in: 2485, 2582, 2654. robertpfeiffer added to the TEXTINPUT documentation in 2456.
New contributors SplatRT, bambalamm, deek80, NKID00, MaukWM, and shawnbyday all cleaned up the documentation with grammar and typo fixes, in: 2431, 2437, 2519, 2555, 2583, 2644. Starbuck5 contributed to this worthy goal in 2590
New contributor Grimmys and Starbuck5 worked on the documentation build system, upgrading it from Sphinx 1 to Sphinx 3, hiding the obsolete `Overlay` and `cdrom` modules from the top bar, and adding the `--fullgeneration` flag to `setup.py docs`. 2513, 2511, 2617, 2624.
New contributor Taffer added a page to showcase all of pygameโs named colors, in 2559. When it is live, it will be at https://www.pygame.org/docs/ref/color_list.html.
New contributor kaiec noticed that SDL_Image, pygameโs image loading backend, supports more than we had documented, so updated the documentation accordingly, in 2619. (We support WebP and SVG, who knew?) New contributor duthades continued this by adding tests for the new image formats in 2656.
Finally, new contributor ayushbisht2001 added a nice logo to the README in 2441, sprucing it up nicely.
Type Hints
Typehints got some neat updates in this release as well, so that you can code with pygame in your favourite IDE and you get that sweet auto-correct/autocomplete and type-checking to catch bugs even before they are reported!
New contributor jakebailey made tons of good typehint fixes in 2537, the most important ones being, correctly exporting submodules in a way that typehints are recognized for the submodules, and generic types used in annotations being fixed to include the missing type params, among other fixes.
New contributors:
- w-v fix `set_mods()` type hint in 2457
- nathanielconroy less strict type checking for `AbstractGroup.add` in 2646
- sandipanpanda Fixed wrong kwargs types in sprite.pyi in 2652
- vnmabus Fix syntax for typing AbstractGroup attributes in 2663
- bydariogamer Update Vector3 overloaded constructor signature in 2674
- shingo-kagami Fixed `mouse.get_pressed()` type hint in 2685
MyreMylar Add str and RGBA tuple types to freetype/font type hints in 2462, and Correct blits typehint sequence arg to cover blit inputs in 2482
ankith26 and zoldalma999 overhauled many incorrect uses of `Optional` in 2678
New contributor jonozw added a needed `pg.quit()` for IDLE compatibility in the stars example (2560). Many other examples needed this too, so another expeditious new contributor (AnudeepGunukula) swept through and made sure it was on every example in 2643.
MightyJosip fixed a crash in the mask example in 2606.
New contributor mljli improved the aliens example in 2608, new contributor njbradley improved the font_viewer example in 2655 (itโs cool check it out), and Starbuck5 overhauled the chimp example in 2651.
Experimental super secret _sdl2 things
`TODO: this section is supposed to be top secret! No one is supposed to know about these new APIs yet, except people wanting to give feedback and live dangerously. So I guess bikers, and skydivers can know about this stuff?`
galexandreg added `blend_mode`, color tuples, `origin=None`, to `_sdl2.Image` in 2426 and `draw_blend_mode` to Renderers in 2520
Starbuck5 added prototype docs to the _sdl2.video system in 2533. They will be live at https://www.pygame.org/docs/ref/sdl2_video.html.
zoldalma999 did lots of work getting the SDL2 controller system ported in 2423.
Thank Yous
- To all the returning contributors who helped improve pygame this release:
Josip Komljenoviฤ (MightyJosip) | Dan Lawrence (MyreMylar) | Pierre Sassoulas (Pierre-Sassoulas) | Charlie Hayden (Starbuck5) | Ankith (ankith26) | droid | galexandreg | Rene Dudfield (illume) | Lenard Lindstrom (llindstrom) | robertpfeiffer | zoldalma999
- And to all the new contributors who put themselves out there by volunteering fixes:
MaukWM | Chris Herborth (Taffer) | NKID00 (NK) (NKID00) | Fabio Niephaus (fniephaus) | Ayush Bisht (ayushbisht2001) | Nathaniel Conroy (nathanielconroy) | Kai Eckert (kaiec) | Anudeep Gunukula (AnudeepGunukula) | bydariogamer | Don Patterson (deek80) | njbradley | odidev | SplatRT | Max Zangs (Muxelmann) | mljli (mljli) | shawnbyday (shawnbyday) | Bambalam (bambalamm) | Grimmys (Grimmys) | Carlos Ramos Carreรฑo (vnmabus) | Jake Bailey (jakebailey) | Sanket Duthade (duthades) | Matt Hollands (mhollands) | w-v | sandipanpanda | jonozw (jonozw) | Shingo Kagami (shingo-kagami)
- As all releases, this one too would not have been possible without support from the community, from people submitting issues, to people making PRs for all kinds of improvements, from typo fixes, to fixing complex segfaults in C code, every contribution matters a lot!
- patreon.com/pygame sponsors: Christopher Cacho, Daniel Lawrence, Tommi Sinivuo, Leif Theden, zoldalma, rosa, Nova Dasterin, and Bob Johnson. With their help half of the first patreon goal of covering the monthly hosting costs has been covered and a number of pygame tutorials have been made.
- To the people making all the software pygame depends on, from SDL&python, to sphinx&git and many others.
- The people supporting pygame financially by buying the pre-release of a pygame book. It's a book by a long time pygame contributor where all funds go towards pygame development.
- People helping out the community in general, from making youtube tutorials, to answering questions on various forums of discussions, to helping with packaging pygame!
- [merged PRs](https://github.com/pygame/pygame/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed+merged%3A2020-12-24..2021-07-22+sort%3Aupdated-desc+) since we started the pygame 2.0.2 series on the 24th of December 2020
- [305 Commits since 2.0.1 stable release](https://github.com/pygame/pygame/compare/2.0.1...2.0.2.dev2)
- [previous pygame release notes](https://github.com/pygame/pygame/releases)