* `pygametemplate.Game.__init__()` now optionally takes
`caption` and `icon` arguments.
* `caption` specifies the caption (window title) at the top of the game window.
* `icon` should be the name of a `.ico` file
which will be used as the game window's icon.
For example, if you have a `assets/images/tree.ico` file,
you would pass in `icon="tree"`.
These must be passed in as keyword arguments.
* There is now a new `pygametemplate.Image` class,
which helps with keeping RAM taken by images in check.
Instances of `Image` have the following methods:
* `Image.__init__(image_name)`: Takes the name of the image.
For example, if your image file is `assets/images/heart.png`,
pass in `"heart"`.
* `Image.load()`: Load the image's `pygame.Surface` object into RAM.
Minimal RAM will be used before this method is called.
* `Image.unload()`: Unload the image's `pygame.Surface` object from RAM.
This will clear up almost all usage of RAM by the `Image` instance.
* `Image.display(surface: pygame.Surface, coordinates, area=None, special_flags=0)`:
Display the image on the given `surface`. The arguments other than `surface`
are the same as the arguments passed to `pygame.Surface.blit()`.