- pyGenomeTracks goes much faster:
- We now use bedtools to load only a portion of bed, gtf, bedgraph, narrowPeak, bedgraphMatrix, Epilogos, links. This speeds up the process dramatically especially for gtf files.
- When you use a cool matrix, only the plotted region is loaded, this speeds up the process. If multiple regions on different chromosomes are provided in a BED this option is not used.
- Unfortunately, it is not possible to speed the process with h5 matrices so you may want to convert them to cool with [hicConvertFormat](https://hicexplorer.readthedocs.io/en/latest/content/tools/hicConvertFormat.html>).
- pyGenomeTracks does not require sorted bed anymore.
- For coverage tracks (bedgraph and bigwig), there is a new parameter: ``grid`` which allows to display horizontal lines.
- For links, you can choose to use the middle of start1 and end1 and the middle of start2 and end2 thanks to ``use_middle`` instead of the extremities coordinates.
- For Hi-C matrices, mcool files are now supported.
- For vlines, the line_width can now be set.
Minor enhancements:
- Bedgraph with NA values in the 4-th column do not raise error anymore.
- There is a progress bar for links.
- For Hi-C matrices,
- there is no error when the plot goes over the chromosome size provided by the matrix.
- if the depth is smaller than binsize it makes an empty plot instead of raising errors.
- When the ``overlay_previous`` is set in the first track it is ignored and a warning is given instead of giving an error with a not meaningful error message.
- The color for negative values in coverage tracks (bigwig and bedgraph) is now part of the output of ``make_tracks_file``.
- Others output of ``make_tracks_file`` have been modified for better clarity.
- Others code related enhancements which are transparent to the users.
- The format of bed12 is more stringent (the blocks must span the chromStart and chromEnd).
- Improve the documentation regarding the installation. We highly recommand to use conda.
- For bed tracks when ``gene_rows`` or ``global_max_row`` was set the last row was very close to the bottom (sometimes even overlaying the next track). Now it is vertically centered and do not go over the track height.
- Solve some bugs how non conventional bed files are handle.
- Display more meaningful error messages.
- Only plot scale bar when in the region of plot.
- Do not show a warning when file_type is set for ``x_axis`` or ``spacer``.
- Solve some incompatibilities with python 3.8. However, python 3.8 is not officially supported by now as bioconda do not support it yet https://bioconda.github.io/user/versions.html#python.