* add metadata transformation workflow (186) * MCF schema updates (187) * fix ISO based distribution model (175) * add WMO WCMP2 updates * improve ISO contact parsing (207) * add identification.license to MCF (205) * update OARec themes/concepts model (213) * add support for spatial keywords to MCF (202) * streamline OARec contacts (215) * update ISO parsing based on OWSLib 0.29
* pygeoapi plugin media type and raw output fixes * fix STAC and DCAT output to support str or dict
* add environment variable support for MCF files * add pygeoapi plugin to provide pygeometa via OGC API - Processes
* fix OARec temporal extent date casting * update OARec output to latest version of draft specification * add support for WMO Core Metadata Profile 2 (WCMP2) * fix ISO contact handling * add temporal resolution support * fix DCAT reference error
This release includes additions to the MCF core model/schema.
* add support for IANA link relations
This release includes a new ISO based metadata importer, support for MCF attributes and additions to the MCF core model.
* add ISO importer * add support for MCF attributes * dump import as YAML to CLI * add identification.edition to MCF model