
Latest version: v0.19.3

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Internal Changes
- Simplify the retry logic ``ArcGISRESTFul`` by making it run four times and
making sure that the last retry is one object ID per request.



The highlight of this release is migrating to use ``AsyncRetriever`` that can improve
the network response time significantly. Another highlight is a major refactoring of
``ArcGISRESTFul`` that improves performance and reduce code complexity.

New Features
- Add a new method to ``ArcGISRESTFul`` class for automatically retrying the failed requests.
This private method plucks out individual features that were in a failed request with
several features. This happens when there are some object IDs that are not available on the
server, and they are included in the request. In these situations the request will fail, although
there are valid object IDs in the request. This method will pluck out the valid object IDs.
- Add support for passing additional parameters to ``WMS`` requests such as ``styles``.
- Add support for WFS version 1.0.0.

Internal Changes
- Migrate to ``AsyncRetriever`` from ``requests-cache`` for all the web services.
- Rename ``ServiceError`` to ``ServiceUnavailable`` and ``ServerError`` to ``ServiceError``
Since it's more representative of the intended exception.
- Raise for response status in ``RetrySession`` before the try-except block so
``RequestsException`` can raise, and its error messaged be parsed.
- Deprecate ``utils.threading`` since all threading operations are now handled by
- Increase test coverage.



New Features
- Add support for requesting ``LineString`` polygon for ``ArcGISRESTful``.
- Add a new argument called ``distance`` to ``ArcGISRESTful.oids_bygeom`` for specifying the buffer
distance from the input geometry for getting features.

Breaking Changes
- Drop support for Python 3.6 since many of the dependencies such as ``xarray`` and ``pandas``
have done so.
- Remove ``async_requests`` function, since it has been packaged as a new Python library called
`AsyncRetriever <>`__.
- Refactor ``MatchCRS``. Now, it should be instantiated by providing the in and out CRSs like so:
``MatchCRS(in_crs, out_crs)``. Then its methods, namely, ``geometry``, ``bounds`` and ``coords``,
can be called. These methods now have only one input, geometry.
- Change input and output types of ``MatchCRS.coords`` from tuple of lists of coordinates
to list of ``(x, y)`` coordinates.
- ``ArcGISRESTful`` now has a new argument, ``layer``, for specifying the layer number (int). Now,
the target layer should either be a part of ``base_url`` or be passed with ``layer`` argument.
- Move the ``spatial_relation`` argument from ``ArcGISRESTful`` class to ``oids_bygeom`` method,
since that's where it's applicable.

Internal Changes
- Refactor ``ArcGISRESTfulBase`` class to reduce its code complexity and make the service
initialization logic much simpler. The class is faster since it makes fewer requests during
the initialization process.
- Add ``pydantic`` as a new dependency that takes care of ``ArcGISRESTfulBase`` validation.
- Use persistent caching for all send/receive requests that can significantly improve the
network response time.
- Explicitly include all the hard dependencies in ``setup.cfg``.
- Set a default value of 1000 for ``max_nrecords`` in ``ArcGISRESTfulBase``.
- Use ``dataclass`` for ``WMSBase`` and ``WFSBase`` since support for Python 3.6 is dropped.



- Add announcement regarding the new name for the software stack, HyRiver.
- Improve ``pip`` installation and release workflow.



- The first release after renaming ``hydrodata`` to ``PyGeoHydro``.
- Fix ``extent`` property of ``ArcGISRESTful`` being set to ``None`` incorrectly.
- Add ``feature types`` property to ``ArcGISRESTFul`` for getting names and IDs of types
of features in the database.
- Replace ``cElementTree`` with ``ElementTree`` since it's been deprecated by ``defusedxml``.
- Remove dependency on ``dataclasses`` since its benefits and usage in the code was minimal.
- Speed up CI testing by using ``mamba`` and caching.
- ``ArcGISRESTFull`` now prints number of found features before attempting to retrieve them.
- Use ``logging`` module for printing information.



- Bump version to the same version as PyGeoHydro.
- Add support for query by point and multi-points to ``ArcGISRESTful.bygeom``.
- Add support for buffer distance to ``ArcGISRESTful.bygeom``.
- Add support for generating ESRI-based queries for points and multi-points
to ``ESRIGeomQuery``.
- Add all the missing type annotations.
- Update the Daymet URL to version 4. You can check the release information
`here <>`_
- Use ``cytoolz`` library for improving performance of some operations.
- Add ``extent`` property to ``ArcGISRESTful`` class that get the spatial extent
of the service.
- Add URL to ``airmap`` service for getting elevation data at 30 m resolution.

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