* Adding Python 3.8 support and dropping Python 3.6 support.
* Adding GDAL 3 support and dropping GDAL 2 support. The only non-backwards
compatible issue in GDAL 2 to GDAL 3 is the need to handle Axis Ordering with
osr.SetAxisMappingStrategy(osr.OAMS_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER) because of
Since Axis ordering now matters for Geographic CRS the expected order is
Lat,Lon but we use osr.OAMS_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER to swap to Lon,Lat.
* Using osr.CreateCoordinateTransformation() instead of
osr.CoordinateTransformation() as the GDAL 3 call.
* Fixed a bug in convolve_2d that would not ``ignore_nodata`` if the signal
raster's nodata value was undefined. Changed the name of this flag to
``ignore_nodata_and_edges`` to reflect its expected functionality.
* Warped signed byte rasters are now also signed byte rasters.
* Adding a GitHub Actions-based build job for building wheels and a source
distribution for a given commit of pygeoprocessing.
* Updated ``setup.py`` to point the URL project link to the project's new
home on GitHub.
* Updated ``MANIFEST.in`` to only include files that should be there in the
pygeoprocessing source distribution. This fixes an issue where files
matching a variety of extensions anywhere in the pygeoprocessing directory
might be included with the source distribution.
* Added ``set_tol_to_zero`` to ``convolve_2d`` to allow for in-function masking
of near-zero results to be set to 0.0.
* Fixed malformed logging outputs which could be seen during long running
``rasterize`` calls.
* Renamed all parameters involving Spatial Projections to the form
``[var_id]_projection_wkt``, this involves optional arguments in
``reproject_vector``, ``warp_raster``, ``transform_bounding_box``,
and ``align_and_resize_raster_stack`` as well as the return value from
``get_raster_info`` and ``get_vector_info``.
* Fixed an issue in ``zonal_statistics`` that would crash if an aggregate
vector had a feature with no geometry defined. Now the function ignores
such features and prints a warning to the log.
* Fixed a malformed ``ValueError`` message when a corrupt raster was
encountered in ``raster_calculator``.
* Fixes an unnecessary calculation that pre-fills slope raster GeoTIFFs with
nodata values.
* Added a check to ``convolve_2d`` to verify that raster path/band tuples were
passed where expected and raise a useful Exception if not.
* Removed most of the `pygeoprocessing.testing` module and added the following
convenience functions to ``pygeoprocessing``, which should not be used
for production code but are useful for testing and scripting:
* ``raster_to_numpy_array`` - read a single band of a raster into a ``numpy``
array, runs the risk of memory error if the raster is too large.
* ``numpy_array_to_raster`` - writes a ``numpy`` array to a raster on disk.
* ``shapely_geometry_to_vector`` - creates a vector from a list of
``Shapely`` geometry.
* Fixed an issue in ``flow_dir_mfd`` that would cause invalid flow directions
on DEMs that had very small numerical delta heights.
* Fixes an issue in ``convolve_2d`` that would occasionally cause undefined
numerical noise in regions where the signal was nodata but ``mask_nodata``
was set to ``False``.