
Latest version: v2.4.1

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- Fixed names of Gerber specification files (`.pdf.pdf` extension replaced with `.pdf`)
- Added `draw_region_outlines` option (disabled by default) which controls whether lines
which make up a region boundary should be drawn after region is filled. KiCAD seem to
assume that those boundaries are not drawn and region outline is 1px instead of
thickness of aperture.
- Changed `Decimal` precision to 60 decimal places.
- Changed precision of `INCH_TO_MM_MULTIPLIER` (now its 25.4) and
`MM_TO_INCH_MULTIPLIER` (dynamically calculated with `Decimal`).
- Changed circle aperture to make result better match expectations and `KiCAD`
- Fixed warning message logged every time a valid region was created to show up only
when region is not valid.
- Added warnings for zero surface aperture draws.


- Added Gerber X3 format tokenizer with support for selective feature support:

- Supported Gerber X3 features: `G04`, `MO`, `FS`, `AD`, `AM`, `Dnn` (nn≥10), `D01`,
`D02`, `D03`, `G01`, `G02`, `G03`, `G75`, `LP`, `LM`, `LR`, `LS`, `G36`, `G37`,
`AB`, `SR`, `TF`, `TA`, `TO`,`TD`, `M02`.

- Supported **DEPRECATED** Gerber features: `G54`, `G70`, `G71`, `G90`, `G91`, `G74`,
`M00`, `M01`, `IP`, `LN`,
`Combining G01/G02/G03 and D01/D02/D03 in a single command`,
`Coordinate Data without Operation Code`, `Style Variations in Command Codes`, `FS`,
`Draws and Arcs with Rectangular Apertures`.

For more detailed descriptions of supported features please refer to documentation or

- Added Gerber X3 format parser with support for selective feature support:

- Supported Gerber X3 features: `G04`, `MO`, `FS`, `AD`, `AM`, `Dnn` (nn≥10), `D01`,
`D02`, `D03`, `G01`, `G02`, `G03`, `G75`, `LP`, `LM`, `LR`, `LS`, `G36`, `G37`,

- Supported **DEPRECATED** Gerber features: `G54`, `G70`, `G71`, `G90`, `G91`, `G74`,
`M00`, `M01`, `IP`, `LN`, `Combining G01/G02/G03 and D01 in a single command`,
`Coordinate Data without Operation Code`, `Style Variations in Command Codes`,
`Draws and Arcs with Rectangular Apertures`.

For more detailed descriptions of supported features please refer to documentation or

- Added rendering backend capable of producing 2D rasterized images based on parser
instructions. Supported drawing elements:
- Aperture definition with circle
- Aperture definition with rectangle
- Aperture definition with obround
- Aperture definition with polygon
- Draw flash with circle aperture
- Draw flash with rectangle aperture
- Draw flash with obround aperture
- Draw flash with polygon aperture
- Draw line
- Draw clockwise arc
- Draw counterclockwise arc

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