⚠️ This release is part of the new 2.1 series, and has BREAKING CHANGES from the 2.0 series. Please see the migration guide in the documentation for more details: https://pyglet.readthedocs.io/en/latest/programming_guide/migration.html
- window: Change the default znear/zfar to (-8192, 8192).
- docs: Fix top-left version display and copyright auto-generation (1264).
- docs: fixes in the quickstart guide, and lots of other cleanups.
- clean up legacy super() call syntax around the codebase.
- shapes: disable depth testing by default, due to usability issues.
- window.xlib: prevent crash if initial configuration notify event has invalid width/height.
- window.xlib: fix screen mode showing dotclock instead of Hz.
- model: fix the (undocumented) Sphere and Cube test shapes.
- examples.model.fpscamera: don't normalize the movement input.
- window: Fix ImageMouseCursor positioning not adapting to scaling (1278).