
Latest version: v2.2.0

Safety actively analyzes 663899 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Added ``BUILDING.rst`` and ````.
- Added ``pyproject.toml`` to build and package project with poetry.
- Aded ``tox.ini`` and ``.github/*`` for continuous integration.
- Added rst files and ``requirements.txt`` in ``docs/`` and ``.readthedocs.yaml`` for tutorial documentation in Read the Docs.
- Added ``pygplib/`` for insourcing of the edge-clique-cover computation.
- Implemented direct-encoding for domain of discource.


- Removed ``tools/``, ``tests/``, ``pygplib/`` and ``tests/`` to remove depedencies to third-party tools.


- Changed ```` to ``README.rst`` and moved tutorial documentation in it to Read the Docs.
- Renamed ``Fo`` class to ``Fog`` class, ``pygplib/`` to ``pygplib/``, ``tests/`` to ``tests/``, and ``tests/`` to ``tests/``.
- Reorganized ``pygplib/`` and divided it to ``pygplib/``, ``pygplib/``, and ``pygplib/`` (added corresponding test files in ``tests/``).
- Updated ``pygplib/`` so that

- ``GrSt`` object is initialized with a vertex-list and a edge-list, and the ECC computation is performed in the initialization.
- the interpretation of relation symbols ``=`` and ``edg`` as well as ``compute_domain_constraint()`` are included in ``pygplib/``, making ``Fog`` class and ```` indepedent of domain encoding.

- Changed the format of first-order formulas (negation, existential and universal quantifiers) to make it compartible with TPTP format.
- Renamed ``decode_assign()`` of ``pygplib/`` to ``decode_assignment()`` and changed an output assignment so that auxiliary variables are ignored.
- Renamed ``get_interpretation_of_assign()`` of ``GrSt`` to ``decode_assignment()`` and changed an output assignment so that first-order variables' indices are associated with constant symbol indices.
- Removed field ``st`` in formula class and changed to give relational structure as argument of each method that requires it.
- Changed API of ``compute_domain_constraint()`` so that the input is an index of a free variable and the output is a Prop formula object.

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