December 15th 2014
- pyGPs added to pip
- mathematical definitions of kernel functions available in documentation
- more error message added
November 25th 2014
structural updates:
- full inline documentation with input parameter and output specified
- check for the inputs and provide diagnostic messages for some inputs
- consistant naming in inline and online documentation
- string representation for dnlZStruct and postStruct
- Now you can do sth like,
- nlZ, dnlZ, post = model.getPosterior(x,y)
- print post
- instead of a python object, we provide now a more informative description.
- add optimization into unit test routines. Also add checking for cholesky decomposition and checking positive-definite property of kernel matrix.
- add jitter to the digonal of linear, linARD, and poly covariance for numerical stability.
- fix several minor problems in unit test framework
- hierachically rearranged for online documentation
- add several supplementary instruction in online documentation
October 19th 2014
documentation updates:
- DOC: model.fit() is now named model.getPosterior
- DOC: typo fixed: cov.LIN changed to cov.Linear
- DOC: removed cov.Periodic() in demos because its limited in 1-d data.
- API file updated accordingly
structural updates:
- removed unused ScalePrior attribute in most inference method
- added function jitchol, which added a small jitter(instead of doing Cholesky decomposition directly) to the diagonal when the kernel matrix is ill conditioned.
- thrown error when using periodic covariance functions for non-1d data. We also removed cov.Periodic() in demos because its limited usage.
- combined equally spaced positions of inputs as test positions as well in plot methods to get a more accurate plotting.
- rename model.fit() to model.getPosterior(), while model.optimize() stays the same. (since it is confusing for some users that the name fit() is not doing optimizing.)
August 9th 2014
structural updates:
- added SM covariance and Gabor covariance
- bug fixed in dfunc() in Matern covariance
- change proceed() to evaluate() for inference and likelihood classes
- added unit test module for SM covariance and Gabor covariance