Bug Fixes
* None.
API/CLI Changes
* None.
* bigwig_to_bed is know part of miscellaneous commands.
Code changes
* The select_by_key command now accept seq_name and seqname in addition to seqid and chrom as a key.
New Features
* This version contains the tss_numbering plugin. Annotate transcripts by computing their TSS position relative to the most five prime TSS of the corresponding gene.
* The get_attr_value_list command now accepts a list of keys as input.
* The get_attr_value_list command has an additional argument (--print-key-name).
* Added a new miscellaneous command, get_ceas_record that extract records from CEAS (Cis-regulatory Element Annotation System).
* Added a new miscellaneous command, great_reg_domains. This tool represents an attempt to process genomic annotations in GTF
format in order to produced a set of 'labeled' regions with the same rules as those described in GREAT (Genomic Regions
Enrichment of Annotations Tool) documentation. We can not warrant that the procedure is exactly the same. See the CLI
for more details.
* Added -y/--display-fit-quality to ologram