- Add :func:`pygtrie.Trie.merge` method which merges structures of two
- Add :func:`pygtrie.Trie.strictly_equals` method which compares two
tries with stricter rules than regular equality operator. It’s not
sufficient that keys and values are the same but the structure of
the tries must be the same as well. For example:
>>> t0 = StringTrie({'foo/bar.baz': 42}, separator='/')
>>> t1 = StringTrie({'foo/bar.baz': 42}, separator='.')
>>> t0 == t1
>>> t0.strictly_equals(t1)
- Fix :func:`pygtrie.Trie.__eq__` implementation such that key values
are taken into consideration rather than just looking at trie
structure. To see what this means it’s best to look at a few
examples. Firstly:
>>> t0 = StringTrie({'foo/bar': 42}, separator='/')
>>> t1 = StringTrie({'foo.bar': 42}, separator='.')
>>> t0 == t1
This used to be true since the two tries have the same node
structure. However, as far as Mapping interface is concerned, they
use different keys, i.e. set(t0) != set(t1)``. Secondly:
>>> t0 = StringTrie({'foo/bar.baz': 42}, separator='/')
>>> t1 = StringTrie({'foo/bar.baz': 42}, separator='.')
>>> t0 == t1
This used to be false since the two tries have different node
structures (the first one splits key into ``('foo', 'bar.baz')``
while the second into ``('foo/bar', 'baz')``). However, their keys
are the same, i.e. set(t0) == set(t1)``. And lastly:
>>> t0 = Trie({'foo': 42})
>>> t1 = CharTrie({'foo': 42})
>>> t0 == t1
This used to be true since the two tries have the same node
structure. However, the two classes return key as different values.
:class:`pygtrie.Trie` returns keys as tuples while
:class:`pygtrie.CharTrie` returns them as strings.