* Quick fix to allow tkinter dark themes on designer. refs alejandroautalan/pygubu-designer195 * Fix error when font is not correctly defined in option database (by the user). * Container Layout Fix remove hover on widget leave.
* Check main window visibility at start. refs alejandroautalan/pygubu-designer145 * Show log info when using --loglevel debug * Code generator: Import tk when creating variable. * Updated pathchooser demo example. * Use method str.isidentifier() for identifiers. * Internal tkvariable editor: Allow to specify default type of tkvariable.
* Show dimension of preview in pixels. * Fix issue when working with Notebook tabs. * Fix validation of classname. closes alejandroautalan/pygubu-designer159 * Added support for ttk.OptionMenu and ttk.LabeledScale * Update tooltip text. Closes alejandroautalan/pygubu-designer162 * Respect background of current style. closes alejandroautalan/pygubu-designer166 * Update Chinese Translations. PR alejandroautalan/pygubu-designer168 larryw3i
* Added support for customtkinter and tkintermapview. * Removed property groups in Appearance tab (needed for plugins and future tooltip property).