**RFSystems Interface Change**
- Kick objects and Drift objects are now completely hidden behind RFSystems,
do NOT use them anymore
- all RF parameters (only!) available via
$ >>> longitudinal_map = RFSystems(...,
some_harmonics, some_voltages, some_phi_offsets, ...)
$ >>> list(longitudinal_map.voltages) == some_voltages
$ >>> list(longitudinal_map.harmonics) == some_harmonics
$ >>> list(longitudinal_map.phi_offets) == some_phi_offsets
- in the context of the RF parameter interface, general.utils.ListProxy
has been added
- RFBucket instances are now ONLY fixed blueprints
(same concept as for SliceSet instances).
Access the current state of the RF bucket configuration
(for Hamiltonians and matching) via
$ >>> longitudinal_map.get_bucket(some_gamma)
This release has been tested with the PS transition situation.
It is discouraged to store slice views (blabla = rfsystems.voltages[2:4])
of the RFSystems parameter interfaces.
(Reason: their internal reference lists are not updated if
RFSystems._kicks is restructured (via pop etc))