No changes from 0.0.2, but testing automated release pushing.
See in the pack for use of these checksums. These pickle files are used in various tutorial notebooks and testing contexts.
MD5 (SST1_Dec20_int_stack.p) = 9ccfbb02fd99be5d889d709b36a10bff
MD5 (demo_int_saxs.p) = 48584b9d8736eb608f4d53cc07e9db57
This is not a code release.
Contains example SST-1 and raw RSoXS data, for automated testing.
10/6/2021: added example cyrsoxs data, separate file, same purpose
9/15/2022: added example masks, separate file, same purpose, see you next year -PB
2/15/2023: off annual cycle update ;) to shrink cyrsoxs data pack size due to GHA testing problems.
4/30/2024: add CMS GIWAXS testing data.