**Major Changes**
- Add [`apple-compress`](https://github.com/m1stadev/apple-compress) dependency for proper LZFSE compression on Darwin systems. (#36)
- If you already have the `compression` dependencies installed, you will still need to manually install `apple-compress` if you don't already have it installed:
- `python3 -m pip install apple-compress`
- CLI: Add `pyimg4 im4m extract` command.
- This command extracts an Image4 manifest from an SHSH blob, with support for also extracting update/no-nonce blobs.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes.
**API Changes**
- `pyimg4.IM4PData`
- Can now take `extra` as an argument.
- Can now take `size` as an argument.
- This is meant to be the *uncompressed* size of the data. If you do not know the uncompressed size, you can choose to omit the argument, and it will be set to 0 by default (or the size of the data if uncompressed & unencrypted)
- Remove `get_lzfse_payload_size()`/`set_lzfse_payload_size()`
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/m1stadev/PyIMG4/compare/v0.8...v0.8.1