
Latest version: v0.9.6

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Structural modifications

* is now a standalone file.
* The namespace is reduced to `pyinotify`. Thus, you access everything from `pyinotify`, For instance accessing `max_user_instances` attribute :
>>> import pyinotify
>>> pyinotify.max_user_watches
>>> pyinotify.max_user_watches.value
>>> pyinotify.max_user_watches.value = 42
>>> pyinotify.max_user_watches.value

* Likewise, events names are directly accessible at pyinotify's scope eg: `pyinotify.IN_MODIFY`.
* Event instances provide a new attribute: `an_event.pathname`. Example: `<Event dir=False mask=0x100 maskname=IN_CREATE name=foo path=/tmp pathname=/tmp/foo wd=1>`

Chaining several processing functions together

* ProcessEvent instances can be chained together, see [[|]].

Debugging and statistics

* The [[logging module|]] is used for debugging and logging errors, it can be accessed through `pyinotify.log` and its level set with `log.setLevel(level)` (by default the level is set to 20 when pyinotify is imported and is set to 10 when it is executed from command line
import pyinotify
Modify logging level
output debug message
pyinotify.log.debug('debug msg2')

* There is a tiny functionality available to display statistics see new option `-s` (from command line) and this example [[|]], which has given this output

New method `Notifier.loop()`

* `Notifier` now provides a `loop()` method (the former pattern `while True: ...` is now useless), see [[|]].

Policy for reading events

* `select.poll` timeout's value is set to `None` when called from `Notifier` and `ThreadedNotifier`.
* `Notifier's` constructor accepts `read_freq`, `threshold` and `timeout` as parameters, for specifying at which frequency and when to read new events. `read_freq` sets the minimal period of time between two read of events (0s by default), sleeping during the rest of time. `threshold` is the minimal size (0 byte by default) of accumulated events needed before processing the queue (must be used in combination with `read_freq`, read the docstrings for more details). `timeout` is the parameter given to `select.poll`.
n = Notifier(wm, read_freq=0, threshold=0, timeout=None) values by default read events asap
n = Notifier(wm, read_freq=5) read events every 5s
n = Notifier(wm, read_freq=5, threshold=512) read events every 5s if size to read is >= 512 bytes

Functionality for helping watch transient files

* Supports simplified watch of transient files (for instance for watching pid files `/var/run/`), see [[|]], [[|]].

Daemonize pyinotify

* Ability to detach and daemonize Notifier instances, see [[|]]
notifier.loop(daemonize=True) By default writes its pid to /var/run/<scriptname>.pid

Exclude files from being watched

* `WatchManager` and `.add_watch` support an exclusion path filter: a boolean function can optionally be called each time a new path is about to be watched, if this predicate returns `True` this path is excluded (i.e. not watched).
* See how it works through this example [[exclude.lst|]] and [[|]].

Various improvements

* There is a way to delegate initialization to `my_init(*kargs)` when `ProcessEvent's` subclass is instantiated. Override this method in your subclass for achieving custom initialization. Moreover, you must instantiate your class with keyworded arguments, see the following example [[|]].
class Log(ProcessEvent):
def my_init(self, pathname):
self._fileobj = file(pathname, 'w')
notifier = Notifier(wm, Empty(TrackMofications(Log(pathname=f)), msg='outer'))

* Accepts a New option `-e` list,of,events,separated,with,commas. It works like this `python -e IN_CREATE,IN_DELETE`

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