New hooks
* Add a hook for ``Azurerm`` which is using pkg_resources internally. (`123
* Add a hook for ``Office365-REST-Python-Client`` which uses data files in some
methods (`125
* Add a hook for ``spacy`` which contains hidden imports and data files (`1
* Add a standard hook for PyPylon. (`114
* Add hook for ``blspy`` that collects ``MPIR`` DLLs on Windows. (`119
* Add hook for ``flirpy`` that collects data files on Windows. (`120
* Add hook for ``jsonrpcserver`` to collect missing ``request-schema.json``
data file. (`126
* Add hook for ``plotly`` to collect data files and hidden `pandas`, `cmath`,
and `plotly.validator` imports
Add hooks for ``dash`` and related packages to collect data files and hook
for meta-data from ``flask-compress``
Add hook for ``dash_bootstrap_components`` to collect data files (`103
* Add hook for ``pyttsx3`` whose drivers are hidden imports. (`101
* Add hook for ``srsly.msgpack._packer`` which contains a hidden import (`3
* Add hook for `humanize <https://pypi.org/project/humanize>`__ to include
required metadata. (`122
* Add hooks for ``thinc`` and ``thinc.banckends.numpy_ops`` which contain data
files and hidden imports (`2
* Added a hook for ``statsmodels``, which adds ``statsmodels.tsa.statespace``
as a hidden import (`100
Updated hooks
* (Windows) Update ``zmq`` hook for compatibility with new shared libraries
location in Windows build of ``pyzmq`` 22.0.0 and later. (`98
* Add googleapiclient.discovery json files to work with services
like Blogger v3 on the build() method. (`97
* Remove ``win32ctypes.core`` hook, as an improved copy is provided as part
of main PyInstaller's hooks collection. (`124
* Update ``scikit-image`` hooks for compatibility with 0.18.x series. (`107
* Update ``scikit-learn`` hooks for compatibility with 0.24.x series. (`108
* Update hook for PyPylon to include data files. (`116
* Update the hook for ``pycountry`` to copy metadata, in addition to collecting
data files. (`113