
Latest version: v2025.1

Safety actively analyzes 715081 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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New hooks

* Add a hook for ``pypsexec``, which has a data files. (`366

Updated hooks

* Update ``tensorflow`` hook to add support for ``tensorflow`` 2.6.x and
later. (`371

Test-suite and Continuous Integration

* Add a test for ``mimesis`` hook. (`367



New hooks

* Add a hook for ``mimesis``, which has a data files. (`365

Updated hooks

* Add a runtime hook for ``pygraphviz`` that modifies the search behavior
for ``graphviz`` programs, in order to ensure that the collected programs
in ``sys._MEIPASS`` are found and used. (`357



New hooks

* Add a hook for ``adbutils`` to collect dynamic libraries. (`323
* Add a hook for ``branca`` to collect data files. (`318
* Add a hook for ``dash`` to collect data files required by the new ``dash``
v2.0. (`314
* Add a hook for ``doc2xpdf`` to collect qss data files. (`310
* Add a hook for ``ffpyplayer``. (`348
* Add a hook for ``pyppeteer``. (`329
* Add a hook for ``pyvjoy`` to collect dynamic libraries. (`321
* Add a hook for ``qtmodern`` to collect qss data files. (`305
* Add a hook for ``tableauhyperapi`` to collect dynamic libraries. (`316
* Add a hook for ``websockets`` which lazily loads its submodules. (`301
* Add hook for ``folium``. (`62
* Add hook for ``metpy``. (`60
* Add hook for ``panel``. (`338
* Add hook for ``platformdirs``. This in turn fixes compatibility with ``pylint
>= 2.10.2``. (`301
* Add hook for ``pymediainfo``. (`324
* Add hook for ``pyviz_comms``. (`338
* Add hook for ``sacremoses``. (`325
* Add hook for ``tzdata``. (`339
* Add hooks for ``cairocffi`` and ``CairoSVG``. (`347
* Add hooks for ``pyphen`` and ``kaleido``. (`345
* Add hooks for ``zoneinfo`` and ``backports.zoneinfo``. (`339

Updated hooks

* Removed the ``certifi`` run-time hook because it was not required for
``certifi`` to function in a frozen application. It was sometimes setting the
``SSL_CERT_FILE`` environment variable which causes applications to behave
differently when frozen. In particular the
``SSLContext.set_default_verify_paths()`` method loads the certificates from
``certifi`` when the ``SSL_CERT_FILE`` environment variable is set. (`335
* Update ``cv2`` hook to collect extra config files and modules for
compatibility with OpenCV (`354
* Update ``markdown`` hook to include package metadata, enabling the use of
short names for built-in extensions, such as ``extra`` or ``toc``. (`336
* Update hiddenimports for ``APScheduler > 3.8.0``. (`333
* Update hiddenimports for ``pymssql > 2.1.5``. (`315



New hooks

* Add a hook for ``dash-uploader`` to collect data files (`280
* Add a hook for ``langdetect`` to collect data files. (`285
* Add a hook for ``mariadb`` to collect hidden imports. (`279
* Add a hook for ``mnemonic`` to collect data files (`284
* Add a hook for ``msoffcrypto`` to collect metadata. (`139
* Add a hook for ``pingouin`` to collect data files. (`292
* Add a hook for ``pystray`` to collect hidden imports. (`288
* Add a hook for ``rtree`` to collect dynamic libraries. (`291
* Add a hook for ``shotgun_api3`` to collect data files and hidden imports.
* Add a hook for ``swagger_spec_validator`` to collect data files. (`296
* Add a hook for ``timezonefinder`` to collect data files. (`294
* Add a hook for ``uvicorn`` to collect data files. (`300
* Add a hook for `cloudscraper` to collect data files (`281
* Add a hook for `pynput` to collect hidden imports. (`287
* Added a standard hook for SunPy. (`134
* Added hook to get data for the parso package (needed for IPython
autocomplete) (`275

Updated hooks

* Update ``clr`` hook to set the correct path for pythonnet 3.0 (`295
* Update ``scikit-learn`` and ``scikit-image`` hooks to perform version checks
based on distribution name instead of package name, to prevent failures
when ``sklearn`` dummy distribution is installed. (`276
* Fix harmless missing modules warnings when using ``scikit-learn >= 0.22``



New hooks

* Add a hook for ``Azurerm`` which is using pkg_resources internally. (`123
* Add a hook for ``Office365-REST-Python-Client`` which uses data files in some
methods (`125
* Add a hook for ``spacy`` which contains hidden imports and data files (`1
* Add a standard hook for PyPylon. (`114
* Add hook for ``blspy`` that collects ``MPIR`` DLLs on Windows. (`119
* Add hook for ``flirpy`` that collects data files on Windows. (`120
* Add hook for ``jsonrpcserver`` to collect missing ``request-schema.json``
data file. (`126
* Add hook for ``plotly`` to collect data files and hidden `pandas`, `cmath`,
and `plotly.validator` imports

Add hooks for ``dash`` and related packages to collect data files and hook
for meta-data from ``flask-compress``

Add hook for ``dash_bootstrap_components`` to collect data files (`103
* Add hook for ``pyttsx3`` whose drivers are hidden imports. (`101
* Add hook for ``srsly.msgpack._packer`` which contains a hidden import (`3
* Add hook for `humanize <>`__ to include
required metadata. (`122
* Add hooks for ``thinc`` and ``thinc.banckends.numpy_ops`` which contain data
files and hidden imports (`2
* Added a hook for ``statsmodels``, which adds ``statsmodels.tsa.statespace``
as a hidden import (`100

Updated hooks

* (Windows) Update ``zmq`` hook for compatibility with new shared libraries
location in Windows build of ``pyzmq`` 22.0.0 and later. (`98
* Add googleapiclient.discovery json files to work with services
like Blogger v3 on the build() method. (`97
* Remove ``win32ctypes.core`` hook, as an improved copy is provided as part
of main PyInstaller's hooks collection. (`124
* Update ``scikit-image`` hooks for compatibility with 0.18.x series. (`107
* Update ``scikit-learn`` hooks for compatibility with 0.24.x series. (`108
* Update hook for PyPylon to include data files. (`116
* Update the hook for ``pycountry`` to copy metadata, in addition to collecting
data files. (`113



New hooks

* Add a hook for ``googleapiclient.model`` that collects the required
metadata from the ``google-api-python-client`` package. (`82
* Add hook for ``pyqtgraph``. (`88
* Add hook for ``rpy2``. (`87
* Added a hook for 'pdfminer.six' library (`83
* Added a hook for the 'pygraphviz' library (`86

Updated hooks

* Add missing ``dataclasses`` hidden import to ``pydantic`` hook.
Add missing ``distutils.version`` hidden import to ``pydantic`` hook for
versions of ``pydantic`` prior to ``1.4``. (`81
* Update ``pydantic`` hook for compatibility with v.1.8.0 and later. (`90

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