* (Windows) Set the executable's build time in PE header to the current
time. A custom timestamp can be specified via the ``SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH``
environment variable to allow reproducible builds. (:issue:`6469`)
* Add strictly unofficial support for the `Termux
<https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.termux/>`_ platform. (:issue:`6484`)
* Replace the dual-process ``onedir`` mode on Linux and other Unix-like OSes
with a single-process implementation. This makes ``onedir`` mode on these
OSes comparable to Windows and macOS, where single-process ``onedir`` mode
has already been used for a while. (:issue:`6407`)
* (macOS) Fix regression in generation of ``universal2`` executables that
caused the generated executable to fail ``codesign`` strict validation.
* (Windows) Fix ``onefile`` extraction behavior when the run-time temporary
directory is set to a drive letter. The application's temporary directory
is now created directly on the specified drive as opposed to the current
directory on the specified drive. (:issue:`6051`)
* (Windows) Fix compatibility issues with python 3.9.8 from python.org, arising
from the lack of embedded manifest in the ``python.exe`` executable.
* (Windows) Fix stack overflow in `pyarmor`-protected frozen applications,
by the executable's stack being smaller than that of the python interpreter.
* (Windows) Fix the ``python3.dll`` shared library not being found and
collected when using Python from MS App Store. (:issue:`6390`)
* Fix a bug that prevented traceback from uncaught exception to be
retrieved and displayed in the windowed bootloader's error reporting
facility (uncaught exception dialog on Windows, syslog on macOS).
* Fix a crash when a onefile build attempts to overwrite an existing onedir
on macOS or Linux (:issue:`6418`)
* Fix build errors when a linux shared library (.so) file is collected as
a binary on macOS. (:issue:`6327`)
* Fix build errors when a Windows DLL/PYD file is collected as a binary on
a non-Windows OS. (:issue:`6327`)
* Fix handling of encodings when reading the collected .py source files
via ``FrozenImporter.get_source()``. (:issue:`6143`)
* Fix hook loader function not finding hooks if path has whitespaces.
(Re-apply the fix that has been inadvertedly undone during the
codebase reformatting.) (:issue:`6080`)
* Windows: Prevent invalid handle errors when an application compiled in
:option:`--windowed` mode uses :mod:`subprocess`
without explicitly setting **stdin**, **stdout** and **stderr** to either
:data:`~subprocess.PIPE` or
:data:`~subprocess.DEVNULL`. (:issue:`6364`)
* (macOS) Add support for Anaconda-installed ``PyQtWebEngine``.
* Add hooks for ``PySide6.QtWebEngineWidgets`` and
The ``QtWebEngine`` support in PyInstaller requires ``Qt6`` v6.2.2 or later,
so if an earlier version is encountered, we exit with an error instead of
producing a defunct build. (:issue:`6387`)
* Avoid collecting the whole ``QtQml`` module and its dependencies in cases
when it is not necessary (i.e., the application does not use ``QtQml`` or
``QtQuick`` modules). The unnecessary collection was triggered due to
extension modules being linked against the ``libQt5Qml`` or ``libQt6Qml``
shared library, and affected pure widget-based applications (``PySide2``
and ``PySide6`` on Linux) and widget-based applications that use
``QtWebEngineWidgets`` (``PySide2``, ``PySide6``, ``PyQt5``, and ``PyQt6``
on all OSes). (:issue:`6447`)
* Update ``numpy`` hook for compatibility with version 1.22; the hook
cannot exclude ``distutils`` and ``numpy.distutils`` anymore, as they
are required by ``numpy.testing``, which is used by some external
packages, such as ``scipy``. (:issue:`6474`)
* (Windows) Set the bootloader executable's stack size to 2 MB to match the
stack size of the python interpreter executable. (:issue:`6459`)
* Implement single-process ``onedir`` mode for Linux and Unix-like OSes as a
replacement for previously-used two-process implementation. The new mode
uses ``exec()`` without ``fork()`` to restart the bootloader executable
image within the same process after setting up the environment (i.e., the
``LD_LIBRARY_PATH`` and other environment variables). (:issue:`6407`)
* Lock the PKG sideload mode in the bootloader unless the executable has a
special signature embedded. (:issue:`6470`)
* When user script terminates with an uncaught exception, ensure that the
exception data obtained via ``PyErr_Fetch`` is normalized by also calling
``PyErr_NormalizeException``. Otherwise, trying to format the traceback
via ``traceback.format_exception`` fails in some circumstances, and no
traceback can be displayed in the windowed bootloader's error report.
Bootloader build
* The bootloader can be force compiled during pip install by setting the
environment variable ``PYINSTALLER_COMPILE_BOOTLOADER``. (:issue:`6384`)