
Latest version: v6.12.0

Safety actively analyzes 714792 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Not secure


* Add support for external paths when running ``pkgutil.iter_modules``.
Add support for multiple search paths to ``pkgutil.iter_modules``.
Correctly handle ``pkgutil.iter_modules`` with an empty list.
* Fix finding ```` when Python is installed with pyenv and the
python executable is not linked against ````. (:issue:`6542`)
* Fix handling of symbolic links in the path matching part of the
PyInstaller's ``pkgutil.iter_modules`` replacement/override. (:issue:`6537`)


* Add hooks for ``PySide6.QtMultimedia`` and ``PyQt6.QtMultimedia``.
* Add hooks for ``QtMultimediaWidgets`` of all four supported Qt bindings
(``PySide2``, ``PySide6``, ``PyQt5``, and ``PySide6``). (:issue:`6489`)
* Add support for ``setuptools 60.7.1`` and its vendoring of ``jaraco.text``
in ``pkg_resources``. Exit with an error message if ``setuptools 60.7.0``
is encountered due to incompatibility with PyInstaller's loader logic.
* Collect the ``QtWaylandClient``-related plugins to enable Wayland support in
frozen applications using any of the four supported Qt bindings (``PySide2``,
``PyQt5``, ``PySide6``, and ``PyQt6``). (:issue:`6483`)
* Fix the issue with missing ``QtMultimediaWidgets`` module when using
``PySide2.QtMultimedia`` or ``PySide6.QtMultimedia`` in combination
with PySide's ``true_property`` `feature


Not secure


* (Windows) Set the executable's build time in PE header to the current
time. A custom timestamp can be specified via the ``SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH``
environment variable to allow reproducible builds. (:issue:`6469`)
* Add strictly unofficial support for the `Termux
<>`_ platform. (:issue:`6484`)
* Replace the dual-process ``onedir`` mode on Linux and other Unix-like OSes
with a single-process implementation. This makes ``onedir`` mode on these
OSes comparable to Windows and macOS, where single-process ``onedir`` mode
has already been used for a while. (:issue:`6407`)


* (macOS) Fix regression in generation of ``universal2`` executables that
caused the generated executable to fail ``codesign`` strict validation.
* (Windows) Fix ``onefile`` extraction behavior when the run-time temporary
directory is set to a drive letter. The application's temporary directory
is now created directly on the specified drive as opposed to the current
directory on the specified drive. (:issue:`6051`)
* (Windows) Fix compatibility issues with python 3.9.8 from, arising
from the lack of embedded manifest in the ``python.exe`` executable.
* (Windows) Fix stack overflow in `pyarmor`-protected frozen applications,
by the executable's stack being smaller than that of the python interpreter.
* (Windows) Fix the ``python3.dll`` shared library not being found and
collected when using Python from MS App Store. (:issue:`6390`)
* Fix a bug that prevented traceback from uncaught exception to be
retrieved and displayed in the windowed bootloader's error reporting
facility (uncaught exception dialog on Windows, syslog on macOS).
* Fix a crash when a onefile build attempts to overwrite an existing onedir
on macOS or Linux (:issue:`6418`)
* Fix build errors when a linux shared library (.so) file is collected as
a binary on macOS. (:issue:`6327`)
* Fix build errors when a Windows DLL/PYD file is collected as a binary on
a non-Windows OS. (:issue:`6327`)
* Fix handling of encodings when reading the collected .py source files
via ``FrozenImporter.get_source()``. (:issue:`6143`)
* Fix hook loader function not finding hooks if path has whitespaces.
(Re-apply the fix that has been inadvertedly undone during the
codebase reformatting.) (:issue:`6080`)
* Windows: Prevent invalid handle errors when an application compiled in
:option:`--windowed` mode uses :mod:`subprocess`
without explicitly setting **stdin**, **stdout** and **stderr** to either
:data:`~subprocess.PIPE` or
:data:`~subprocess.DEVNULL`. (:issue:`6364`)


* (macOS) Add support for Anaconda-installed ``PyQtWebEngine``.
* Add hooks for ``PySide6.QtWebEngineWidgets`` and
The ``QtWebEngine`` support in PyInstaller requires ``Qt6`` v6.2.2 or later,
so if an earlier version is encountered, we exit with an error instead of
producing a defunct build. (:issue:`6387`)
* Avoid collecting the whole ``QtQml`` module and its dependencies in cases
when it is not necessary (i.e., the application does not use ``QtQml`` or
``QtQuick`` modules). The unnecessary collection was triggered due to
extension modules being linked against the ``libQt5Qml`` or ``libQt6Qml``
shared library, and affected pure widget-based applications (``PySide2``
and ``PySide6`` on Linux) and widget-based applications that use
``QtWebEngineWidgets`` (``PySide2``, ``PySide6``, ``PyQt5``, and ``PyQt6``
on all OSes). (:issue:`6447`)
* Update ``numpy`` hook for compatibility with version 1.22; the hook
cannot exclude ``distutils`` and ``numpy.distutils`` anymore, as they
are required by ``numpy.testing``, which is used by some external
packages, such as ``scipy``. (:issue:`6474`)


* (Windows) Set the bootloader executable's stack size to 2 MB to match the
stack size of the python interpreter executable. (:issue:`6459`)
* Implement single-process ``onedir`` mode for Linux and Unix-like OSes as a
replacement for previously-used two-process implementation. The new mode
uses ``exec()`` without ``fork()`` to restart the bootloader executable
image within the same process after setting up the environment (i.e., the
``LD_LIBRARY_PATH`` and other environment variables). (:issue:`6407`)
* Lock the PKG sideload mode in the bootloader unless the executable has a
special signature embedded. (:issue:`6470`)
* When user script terminates with an uncaught exception, ensure that the
exception data obtained via ``PyErr_Fetch`` is normalized by also calling
``PyErr_NormalizeException``. Otherwise, trying to format the traceback
via ``traceback.format_exception`` fails in some circumstances, and no
traceback can be displayed in the windowed bootloader's error report.

Bootloader build

* The bootloader can be force compiled during pip install by setting the
environment variable ``PYINSTALLER_COMPILE_BOOTLOADER``. (:issue:`6384`)


Not secure


* Fix a bug since v4.6 where certain Unix system directories were incorrectly
assumed to exist and resulted in
a :class:`FileNotFoundError`. (:issue:`6331`)


* Update ``sphinx`` hook for compatibility with latest version (4.2.0).


* (Windows) Explicitly set ``NTDDI_VERSION=0x06010000`` and
``_WIN32_WINNT=0x0601`` when compiling Windows bootloaders to request
Windows 7 feature level for Windows headers. The windowed bootloader
requires at least Windows Vista feature level, and some toolchains
(e.g., mingw cross-compiler on linux) set too low level by default.
* (Windows) Remove the check for the unused ``windres`` utility when compiling
with MinGW toolchain. (:issue:`6339`)
* Replace use of ``PyRun_SimpleString`` with ``PyRun_SimpleStringFlags``.


Not secure


* Add support for Python 3.10. (:issue:`5693`)

* (Windows) Embed the manifest into generated ``onedir`` executables by
default, in order to avoid potential issues when user renames the executable
(e.g., the manifest not being found anymore due to activation context
caching when user renames the executable and attempts to run it before
also renaming the manifest file). The old behavior of generating the
external manifest file in ``onedir`` mode can be re-enabled using the
``--no-embed-manifest`` command-line switch, or via the
``embed_manifest=False`` argument to ``EXE()`` in the .spec file.
* (Windows) Respect :pep:`239` encoding specifiers in Window's VSVersionInfo
files. (:issue:`6259`)
* Implement basic resource reader for accessing on-filesystem resources (data
via ``importlib.resources`` (python >= 3.9) or ``importlib_resources``
(python <= 3.8). (:issue:`5616`)
* Ship precompiled wheels for musl-based Linux distributions (such as Alpine or
OpenWRT) on ``x86_64`` and ``aarch64``. (:issue:`6245`)


* (macOS) Ensure that executable pre-processing and post-processing steps
(target arch selection, SDK version adjustment, (re)signing) are applied in
the stand-alone PKG mode. (:issue:`6251`)
* (macOS) Robustify the macOS assembly pipeline to work around the issues with
the ``codesign`` utility on macOS 10.13 High Sierra. (:issue:`6167`)
* (Windows) Fix collection of ``sysconfig`` platform-specific data module when
using MSYS2/MINGW python. (:issue:`6118`)
* (Windows) Fix displayed script name and exception message in the
unhandled exception dialog (windowed mode) when bootloader is compiled
using the ``MinGW-w64`` toolchain. (:issue:`6199`)
* (Windows) Fix issues in ``onedir`` frozen applications when the bootloader
is compiled using a toolchain that forcibly embeds a default manifest
(e.g., the ``MinGW-w64`` toolchain from ``msys2``). The issues range from
manifest-related options (e.g., ``uac-admin``) not working to windowed frozen
application not starting at all (with the ``The procedure entry point
LoadIconMetric could not be located...`` error message). (:issue:`6196`)
* (Windows) Fix the declared length of strings in the optional embedded
product version information resource structure. The declared lengths
were twice too long, and resulted in trailing garbage characters when
the version information was read using `ctypes` and winver API.
* (Windows) Remove the attempt to load the manifest of a ``onefile``
frozen executable via the activation context, which fails with ``An
attempt to set the process default activation context failed because
the process default activation context was already set.`` message that
can be observed in debug builds. This approach has been invalid ever
since :issue:`3746` implemented direct manifest embedding into the
``onefile`` executable. (:issue:`6248`)
* (Windows) Suppress missing library warnings for ``api-ms-win-core-*`` DLLs.
* (Windows) Tolerate reading Windows VSVersionInfo files with unicode byte
marks. (:issue:`6259`)
* Fix ``sys.executable`` pointing to the external package file instead of
the executable when in package side-load mode (``pkg_append=False``).
* Fix a runaway glob which caused ``ctypes.util.find_library("libfoo")`` to
non-deterministically pick any library
matching ``libfoo*`` to bundle instead of ````. (:issue:`6245`)
* Fix compatibility with with MIPS and loongarch64 architectures.
* Fix the ``FrozenImporter.get_source()`` to correctly handle the packages'
```` source files. This in turn fixes missing-source-file
errors for packages that use ``pytorch`` JIT when the source .py files
are collected and available (for example, ``kornia``). (:issue:`6237`)
* Fix the location of the generated stand-alone pkg file when using the
side-load mode (``pkg_append=False``) in combination with ``onefile`` mode.
The package file is now placed next to the executable instead of next to
the .spec file. (:issue:`6202`)
* When generating spec files, avoid hard-coding the spec file's location as the
``pathex`` argument to the ``Analysis``. (:issue:`6254`)

Incompatible Changes

* (Windows) By default, manifest is now embedded into the executable in
``onedir`` mode. The old behavior of generating the external manifest
file can be re-enabled using the ``--no-embed-manifest``
command-line switch, or via the ``embed_manifest=False`` argument to
``EXE()`` in the .spec file. (:issue:`6248`)


* (macOS) Fix compatibility with Anaconda ``PyQt5`` package. (:issue:`6181`)
* Add a hook for ``pandas.plotting`` to restore compatibility with ``pandas``
and later. (:issue:`5994`)
* Add a hook for ``QtOpenGLWidgets`` for ``PyQt6`` and ``PySide6`` to collect
the new ``QtOpenGLWidgets`` module introduced in Qt6 (:issue:`6310`)
* Add hooks for ``QtPositioning`` and ``QtLocation`` modules of the Qt5-based
packages (``PySide2`` and ``PyQt5``) to ensure that corresponding plugins
are collected. (:issue:`6250`)
* Fix compatibility with ``PyQt5`` 5.9.2 from conda's main channel.
* Prevent potential error in hooks for Qt-based packages that could be
by a partial ``PyQt6`` installation. (:issue:`6141`)
* Update ``QtNetwork`` hook for ``PyQt6`` and ``PySide6`` to collect the
new ``tls`` plugins that were introduced in Qt 6.2. (:issue:`6276`)
* Update the ``gi.repository.GtkSource`` hook to accept a module-versions
hooksconfig dict in order to allow the hook to be used with GtkSource
greater than 3.0. (:issue:`6267`)


* (Windows) Suppress two ``snprintf`` truncation warnings that prevented
bootloader from building with ``winlibs MinGW-w64`` toolchain.
* Update the Linux bootloader cross compiler Dockerfile to allow using `the
official PyPA base images
<>`_ in place of the dockcross ones.


Not secure


* Fix hook loader function not finding hooks if path has whitespaces.


Not secure


* (POSIX) Add ``exclude_system_libraries`` function to the Analysis class
for .spec files,
to exclude most or all non-Python system libraries from the bundle.
Documented in new :ref:`POSIX Specific Options` section. (:issue:`6022`)


* (Cygwin) Add ``_MEIPASS`` to DLL search path to fix loading of python shared
library in onefile builds made in cygwin environment and executed outside of
it. (:issue:`6000`)
* (Linux) Display missing library warnings for "not found" lines in ``ldd``
output (i.e., `` => not found``) instead of quietly
ignoring them. (:issue:`6015`)
* (Linux) Fix spurious missing library warning when ```` points to
``ldd``. (:issue:`6015`)
* (macOS) Fix python shared library detection for non-framework python builds
when the library path cannot be inferred from imports of the ``python``
executable. (:issue:`6021`)
* (macOS) Fix the crashes in ``onedir`` bundles of ``tkinter``-based
created using Homebrew python 3.9 and Tcl/Tk 8.6.11. (:issue:`6043`)
* (macOS) When fixing executable for codesigning, update the value of
``vmsize`` field in the ``__LINKEDIT`` segment. (:issue:`6039`)
* Downgrade messages about missing dynamic link libraries from ERROR to
WARNING. (:issue:`6015`)
* Fix a bytecode parsing bug which caused tuple index errors whilst scanning
modules which use :mod:`ctypes`. (:issue:`6007`)
* Fix an error when rhtooks for ``pkgutil`` and ``pkg_resources`` are used
together. (:issue:`6018`)
* Fix architecture detection on Apple M1 (:issue:`6029`)
* Fix crash in windowed bootloader when the traceback for unhandled exception
cannot be retrieved. (:issue:`6070`)
* Improve handling of errors when loading hook entry-points. (:issue:`6028`)
* Suppress missing library warning for ``shiboken2`` (``PySide2``) and
``shiboken6`` (``PySide6``) shared library. (:issue:`6015`)

Incompatible Changes

* (macOS) Disable processing of Apple events for the purpose of argv emulation
in ``onedir`` application bundles. This functionality was introduced in
PyInstaller 4.4 by (:issue:`5920`) in response to feature requests
(:issue:`5436`) and (:issue:`5908`), but was discovered to be breaking
``tkinter``-based ``onedir`` bundles made with Homebrew python 3.9 and
Tcl/Tk 8.6.11 (:issue:`6043`). As such, until the cause is investigated
and the issue addressed, this feature is reverted/disabled. (:issue:`6048`)


* Add a hook for ```` to deal with indirect import of
``jinja2`` and the missing template file. (:issue:`6010`)
* Simplify the ``PySide2.QWebEngineWidgets`` and ``PyQt5.QWebEngineWidgets`` by
merging most of their code into a common helper function. (:issue:`6020`)


* Add a page describing hook configuration mechanism and the currently
implemented options. (:issue:`6025`)

PyInstaller Core

* Isolate discovery of 3rd-party hook directories into a separate
subprocess to avoid importing packages in the main process. (:issue:`6032`)

Bootloader build

* Allow statically linking zlib on non-Windows specified via either a
``--static-zlib`` flag or a ``PYI_STATIC_ZLIB=1`` environment variable.

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