Fix issues: - Enable an event to be raised every time an IOLinc receives an ON/OFF message from the device. This ensures that a fast on/off combination shows a device change. - Improve adding a new device by address with the engine version check to ensure the correct enable linking command is sent
- KPL on/off commands need to be synchronized / serialized - NoALDB missing methods - Scene update deletes scene - Ping battery devices once per minute - Restart ALDB read all at last record received
- Removing a dirty record - All-Link Clean up NAK handler - Battery device commands on wake - Recalculate load status on load from saved records - Retry ALDB writes
- Add peek/poke capabilities to ALDB to support v1 devices - Improve Direct_NAK handling - Use EngineVersion in the ALDB, not ALDBVersion - Improved NAK handling to retry 10x max - Bug fixes
Add scene management Improve ALDB reads Improve direct NAK handling Upgrade setup tools