**This version supports only IntelOwl versions >=1.8.0 (about to be released). To interact with previous IntelOwl versions programmatically please refer to pyintelowl version 1.3.5**
* we forced [black](https://github.com/psf/black) style, added linters and precommit configuration. In this way pyintelowl is aligned to IntelOwl.
* we have updated the authentication method from a JWT Token to a simple Token. In this way, it is easier to use pyintelowl for integrations with other products and there are no more concurrency problems on multiple simultaneous requests.
If you were using pyintelowl and IntelOwl before this version, you have to:
* update IntelOwl to version>=1.8.0
* retrieve a new API token from the Django Admin Interface for your user: you have to go in the *Durin* section (click on `Auth tokens`) and generate a key there. This token is valid until manually deleted.