
Latest version: v0.5.3

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* (change) The initialization of `ExperimentalVariogram` instance always calculates variance automatically (in the previous versions users may decide if they want to).
* (enhancement) `"safe"` method of variogram autofit that chooses *linear*, *power*, and *spherical* models,
* (enhancement) add automatic nugget selection for `TheoreticalVariogram().autofit()` method,
* (debug) `Deconvolution().fit()` and `Deconvultion().fit_transform()` transform nugget, range, and sill to `float` to avoid errors related to `numpy` `int64` casting.



* (feature) Cluster detection with DBSCAN,
* (feature) Cluster aggregation,
* (feature) Gridding algorithm,
* (feature) Grid aggregation,
* (feature) Removed connections to external APIs, and `requests` package from requirements,
* (feature) The new package with datasets has been created:
* (feature) Theoretical Variogram calculates not Spatial Dependence Index,
* (debugging) `rang` key in theoretical semivariogram model renamed to `range`,
* (feature) Indicator Kriging.



* (enhancement) added logging to Poisson Kriging ATP process,
* (test) added functional test for `smooth_blocks` function,
* (debug) too broad exception in `download_air_quality_poland` is narrowed to `KeyError`,
* (enhancement) log points that cannot be assigned to any area in `PointSupport` class,
* (enhancement) `transform_ps_to_dict()` function takes custom parameters for lon, lat, value and index,
* (test) `check_limits()` function tests,
* (test) plotting function of the `VariogramCloud()` class is tested and slightly changed to return `True` if everything has worked fine,
* (tutorials) new tutorial about `ExperimentalVariogram` and `VariogramCloud` classes,
* (test) new tests for `calculate_average_semivariance()` function from `block` module,
* (enhancement) function `inblock_semivariance` has been optimized,
* (docs) updated `` of `variogram.theoretical` module,
* (enhancement) scatter plot represented as a swarm plot in `VariogramCloud`,
* (enhancement) added directional kriging for ATA and ATP Poisson Kriging,
* (debug) warning for directional kriging functions,
* (enhancement) initialization of `KrigingObject` dataclass,
* (ci/cd) added new workflow tests for MacOS and Ubuntu,
* (enhancement) added logging to Simple Kriging process.



* (enhancement) Directional Centroid-based Poisson Kriging,
* (debug) Added origin (unknown point) to calculate directional Kriging and directional Centroid-based Poisson Kriging,
* (docs) Directional Ordinary Kriging tutorial,
* (engancement) logging of area to area PK function,
* (enhancement) `tests` package moved outside the main package,
* (feature) ordinary kriging from covariance terms,
* (feature) area-to-area PK from covariance terms,
* (debug) area-to-area PK debugged,
* (feature) area-to-point PK from covariance terms,
* (debug) area-to-point PK debugged,
* (feature) centroid-based PK from covariance terms,
* (debug) centroid-based PK debugged.



* (debug) Updated directional variogram algorithm: now angle moves counterclockwise (instead of clockwise).
* (feature) Directional Ordinary Kriging,
* (feature) Directional Simple Kriging,
* (feature) Angle calculations (angle to origin, angle between vectors),
* (enhancement) `direction` parameter is `None` default, to avoid hard-to-track bugs,
* (debug) debugged `interpolate_raster()` function,
* (enhancement) kriging data selection - a small refactoring,
* (docs) Updated `distance` module docs,
* (enhancement) point kriging functions refactoring and update, better management of a singular matrices and duplicated points.



* (setup) added `pyogrio` to dependencies due to the new `fiona` version (1.8.22) and `gdal` errors.


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