* (enhancement) added logging to Poisson Kriging ATP process,
* (test) added functional test for `smooth_blocks` function,
* (debug) too broad exception in `download_air_quality_poland` is narrowed to `KeyError`,
* (enhancement) log points that cannot be assigned to any area in `PointSupport` class,
* (enhancement) `transform_ps_to_dict()` function takes custom parameters for lon, lat, value and index,
* (test) `check_limits()` function tests,
* (test) plotting function of the `VariogramCloud()` class is tested and slightly changed to return `True` if everything has worked fine,
* (tutorials) new tutorial about `ExperimentalVariogram` and `VariogramCloud` classes,
* (test) new tests for `calculate_average_semivariance()` function from `block` module,
* (enhancement) function `inblock_semivariance` has been optimized,
* (docs) updated `__init__.py` of `variogram.theoretical` module,
* (enhancement) scatter plot represented as a swarm plot in `VariogramCloud`,
* (enhancement) added directional kriging for ATA and ATP Poisson Kriging,
* (debug) warning for directional kriging functions,
* (enhancement) initialization of `KrigingObject` dataclass,
* (ci/cd) added new workflow tests for MacOS and Ubuntu,
* (enhancement) added logging to Simple Kriging process.