============= Streamline exports from function :func:`pig.calculate_concentrations`, merge sheets. Working through reviewer comments from Volcanica! Thanks to Daniel Lee for identifying a to_csv bug during test usage.
============= Updating functions loading data to be in object-oriented structure. Streamlining and separating out plotting functions from remaining code. Removing excess variables. Renaming for consistency with `Python <https://www.python.org/>`_ function guidance. Correcting for `pep8 <https://peps.python.org/pep-0008/>`_. Working through reviewer comments!
============= Updating epsilon (molar absorptivity) inversion to add :cite:t:`Brounceetal2021` value for :math:`\text{CO}_3^{2-}`. Paper submitted to Volcanica!
============= Accidental deletion of `GitHub <https://github.com/sarahshi/PyIRoGlass>`_ commits, this restores all commits to v0.2.1. .git file size reduced.
============= Minimal changes to clean code, fix unit testing, and prepare for publication.
============= Update parameter estimation regions with the guidance of devolatilized spectra, improve functionality.