V2 is a significant refactoring and cleanup of the original PyISY code, with the primary goal of (1) fixing as many bugs in one shot as possible and (2) moving towards PEP8 compliant code with as few breaking changes as possible.
Breaking Changes:
- **CRITICAL** All module and folder names are now lower-case.
- All `import PyISY` and `from PyISY import *` must be updated to `import pyisy` and `from pyisy import *`.
- All class imports (e.g. `from PyISY.Nodes import Node` is now `from pyisy.nodes import Node`). Class names are still capitalized / CamelCase.
- A node Event is now returned as an `NodeProperty(dict)` object. In most cases this is a benefit because it returns more details than just the received command (value, uom, precision, etc); direct comparisons will now fail unless updated:
- "`event == "DON"`" must be replaced with "`event.control == "DON"`"
- Node Unit of Measure is returned as a string if it is not a list of UOMs, otherwise it is returned as a list. Previously this was returned as a 1-item list if there was only 1 UOM.
- ISYv4 and before returned the UOM as a string ('%/on/off' or 'degrees'), ISYv5 phases this out and uses numerical UOMs that correspond to a defined value in the SDK (included in constants file).
- Previous implementations of `unit = uom[0]` should be replaced with `unit = uom` and for compatibility, UOM should be checked if it is a list with `isinstance(uom, list)`.
uom = self._node.uom
if isinstance(uom, list):
uom = uom[0]
- Functions and properties have been renamed to snake_case from CamelCase.
- Property `node.hasChildren` has been renamed to `node.has_children`.
- Node Parent property has been renamed. Internal property is `node._parent_nid`, but externally accessible property is `node.parent_node`.
- `node.controlEvents` has been renamed to `node.control_events`.
- `variable.setInit` and `variable.set_value` have been renamed to `variable.set_init` and `variable.set_value`.
- `ISY.sendX10` has been renamed to `ISY.send_x10_cmd`.
- Network Resources `updateThread` function has been renamed to `update_threaded`.
- Properties `nid`, `pid`, `nids`, `pids` have been renamed to `address` and `addresses` for consisitency. Variables still use `vid`; however, they also include an `address` property of the form ``.
- Node Functions `on()` and `off()` have been renamed to `turn_on()` and `turn_off()`
- Node.lock() and Node.unlock() methods are now Node.secure_lock() and Node.secure_unlock().
- Node climate and fan speed functions have been reduced and require a proper command from UOM 98/99 (see ``):
- For example to activate PROGRAM AUTO mode, call `node.set_climate_mode("program_auto")`
- Program functions have been renamed:
- `runThen` -> `run_then`
- `runElse` -> `run_else`
- `enableRunAtStartup` -> `enable_run_at_startup`
- `disableRunAtStartup` -> `disable_run_at_startup`
- Climate Module Retired as per [UDI Announcement](
- Remove dependency on VarEvents library
- Calling `node.status.update(value)` (non-silent) to require the ISY to update the node has been removed. Use the proper functions (e.g. `on()`, `off()`) to request the ISY update. Note: all internal functions previously used `silent=True` mode.
- Variables `val` property is now `status` for consistency.
- Variables `lastEdit` property is now `last_edited` and no longer fires events on its own. Use a single subscriber to pick up changes to `status`, `init`, and `ts`.
- Group All On property no longer first its own event. Subscribe to the status events for changes.
- Subscriptions for status changes need to be updated:
node.status.subscribe("changed", self.on_update)
- Program properties no longer fire their own events, but will fire the main status_event when something is changed.
- Program property changes to conform to snake_case.
- `lastUpdate` -> `last_update`
- `lastRun` -> `last_run`
- `lastFinished` -> `last_finished`
- `runAtStartup` -> `run_at_startup`
- Major code refactoring to consolidate nested function calls, remove redundant code.
- Black Formatting and Linting to PEP8.
- Modification of the `Connection` class to allow initializing a connection to the ISY and making calls externally, without the need to initialize a full `ISY` class with all properties.
- Adding retries for failed REST calls to the ISY 46
- Add support for ISY Portal (incl. multiple ISYs):
- Initialize the connection with:
isy = ISY(
Unique URL can be found in ISY Portal under
Tools > Information > ISY Information
- Adds increased Z-Wave support by returning Z-Wave Properties under the `Node.zwave_props` property:
- `category`
- `devtype_mfg`
- `devtype_gen`
- `basic_type`
- `generic_type`
- `specific_type`
- `mfr_id`
- `prod_type_id`
- `product_id`
- Expose UUID, Firmware, and Hostname properties for referencing inside the `isy` object.
- Various node commands have been renamed / newly exposed:
- `start_manual_dimming`
- `stop_manual_dimming`
- `set_climate_setpoint`
- `set_climate_setpoint_heat`
- `set_climate_setpoint_cool`
- `set_fan_speed`
- `set_climate_mode`
- `beep`
- `brighten`
- `dim`
- `fade_down`
- `fade_up`
- `fade_stop`
- `fast_on`
- `fast_off`
- In addition to the `node.parent_node` which returns a `Node` object if a node has a primary/parent node other than itself, there is now a `node.primary_node` property, which just returns the address of the primary node. If the device/group _is_ the primary node, this is the same as the address (this is the `pnode` tag from `/rest/nodes`).
- Expose the ISY Query Function (`/rest/query`) as `isy.query()`
- 11, 19, 22, 23, 31, 32, 41, 43, 45, 46, 51, 55, 59, 60, 82, 83
- Malformed climate control commands
- They were missing the `self._id` parameter, were missing a `.conn` in the command path and did not convert the values to strings before attempting to encode.
- They are sending \*2 for the temperature for ALL thermostats instead of just Insteon/UOM 101.
- Several modes were missing for the Insteon Thermostats.
- Fix Node.aux_properties inconsistent typing 43 and now updates the existing aux_props instead of re-writing the entire dict.
- Zwave multisensor support 31 -- Partial Fix. [Forum Thread is here](