What's Changed * Add code style check and static type check workflows by hmasdev in https://github.com/hmasdev/pyjpboatrace/pull/71 * Refactor workflows and fix version by hmasdev in https://github.com/hmasdev/pyjpboatrace/pull/72 * Update issue and pull request templates by hmasdev in https://github.com/hmasdev/pyjpboatrace/pull/73
What's Changed * update requirements of python version by hmasdev in https://github.com/hmasdev/pyjpboatrace/pull/67 * Modified the code according to flake8 by hmasdev in https://github.com/hmasdev/pyjpboatrace/pull/68 * upgrade selenium to version 4 by hmasdev in https://github.com/hmasdev/pyjpboatrace/pull/69 * Feature/add mypy by hmasdev in https://github.com/hmasdev/pyjpboatrace/pull/70
What's Changed * add python 3.10 to pytest.yaml by hmasdev in https://github.com/hmasdev/pyjpboatrace/pull/58 * Update setup.cfg by hmasdev in https://github.com/hmasdev/pyjpboatrace/pull/59 * Fixed to take multiple results when ties exist by miyamamoto in https://github.com/hmasdev/pyjpboatrace/pull/61 * Feature/add test case for multiple results by hmasdev in https://github.com/hmasdev/pyjpboatrace/pull/62 * fix a bug in parse_html_index during parsing SG by hmasdev in https://github.com/hmasdev/pyjpboatrace/pull/65 * Feature/update readme by hmasdev in https://github.com/hmasdev/pyjpboatrace/pull/66
New Contributors * miyamamoto made their first contribution in https://github.com/hmasdev/pyjpboatrace/pull/61
- update expected results for some tests for before-info and raceresult. - update parsers for before-info, index and racelist.
- Add the timestamp when odds are updated to responses from odds scraper, like `PyJPBoatrace.get_odds_trifecta` and `PyJPBoatrace.TrifectaOdds.get`; - Add date, stadium and race to responses.
Changes - Add object-oriented interfaces like PyJPBoatrace.TrifectaOdds.get