- template function with function docstring in docs
- reaction_network and page_rank functions
- network visualisation notebook in docs
- batch analysis notebook in docs
- msTuple and msTupleDict classes
- all fuction docstrings edited to match the template function docstring
- all functions now take either msTuple or msTupleDict as primary input, with exception of calculate_mass which retains legacy compatibility
- aromaticity index now allowed to return negative values
- double_bond_equivalent now allowed to return negative values
- read_corems now supports P assignments
- read_corems now checks if C,H,N,O,S,P assignments are present
- read_corems now returns an msTuple
- git ignore now ignores windows batch commands
- changed all relative module imports to specify the exact path
i.e. instead of from ..formula import calculate_mass , we write from ..formula.calculate_mass import calculate_mass
- kendrick mass defect now takes string (as opposed to list) for atom_group
- no more *msTuple as a function input, replaced by msTuple_list, which is clearer and cleaner to work with
- read_batch_formularity now results in an msTuple dictionary instead of a formulaDf
- corems, upsetplot, pca and user guide notebooks to reflect 1.2.0 changes
- standardize_formula function as it wasn't used
- unique_formula and missing_formula, as their functionality is just a part of find_intersections and the input syntax was confusing
- unique_plot and missing_plot as they are a type of multi_van_krevelen_plot and the syntax was confusing