- improved exception caching in compute metric data frames methods
- init `BufferAnalysis` with `Landscape` with non-None `transform`
- test required init args in `Landscape` and `ZonalGridAnalysis`
- test `ValueError` in data frames with patch/class/landscape-only metrics
- several corrections in docstrings/comments/error msgs
- fix: removed `SpatioTemporalBufferAnalysis._landscape_metrics_df` (dropped this kind of caching in v2.0.0)
- using python3 `super` with no arguments
- added `neighborhood_rule` argument (to choose 4/8-cell adjacencies)
- fixed legend in `plot_landscape` and added `legend_kws` arg
- fixed multilandscape plot with one landscape, e.g., 1-zone analysis
- fixed values of zone_arr (to id zones) to avoid nodata=0 confusion
- default nodata (when providing numpy arrays) from settings module