- List classes (enumerate, itemize, description)
- Arguments for plt.savefig
- SubFigure class for use with subcaption package
- Command line argument for ./ to supply a custom python command
- The generate_tex method is now usable in every class, this makes making
snippets even easier.
- MultiColumn and MultiRow classes for generalized table layouts.
- BaseLaTeXNamedContainer now uses the name of the class as the default
- The `Table` object is going to be deprecated in favor of the better named
`Tabular` object. This will take a couple of releases.
- Allow the data keyword argument of containers to be a single item instead of a
list. If this is the case it will be wrapped in a list on initialization.
- Propagate packages recursively add packages of sub containers
- Make cleanup of files Windows compatible
- Filenames can be paths (`foo/bar/my_pdf`).
- Replace `filename` by `filepath` in the names of the arguments.
- Matplotlib support now uses the tmpfile module, this fixes permission issues
with the badly previously badly located tmp directory.
- The temp directory is only removed in generate_pdf when cleaning is