Workflow/model - Major rework of OP and Elec module 464
Plot - Plot contour 463
Topology - Ring Magnet in FEMM 462 - Symetry for Bore notches in FEMM 460 - New schematics for ventilation and HoleUD as vent in GUI 458 - Handling of Orphaned lines in DXF conversion 457
Save / Load improvements: - json compressed + new folder behaviour 349 - tolist optimization for h5 445
Adding new information on plot machine 446
This new release include the following changes: - Generic Object Editor and MeshSolution viewer 420 - Ventilation and symmetry 435 - Matplotlib toolbar for DXF import 437 - Few improvement related to the winding (coil pitch 437, periodicity 442)
Some bugs were also corrected for SRM and MachineUD simulations.
Intermediate release for 428
This PR includes several small bug correction, code optimization and a new tutorial on parameter sweep of variable speed simulation 401, 397 A new topology was also added 399 ![image](