- Updated to turn_by_turn v0.4.0: Includes SPS reader
2022-07-25 - v0.5.0 - _Mael-Le-Garrec_
- Added:
- The resonance lines can now be sought and detected up to arbitrary order during the frequency analysis, with the `resonances` argument / flag of `harpy`.
- The RDT components can now be calculated up to arbitrary order in the optics measurements with the `rdt_magnet_order` argument / flag of `optics`. Note that the relevant resonance lines for this order should have been detected by `harpy` beforehand.
2022-06-21 - v0.4.1 - _jdilly_, _fesoubel_
- Fixed:
- Fixed macros and knobs usage in model_creator for Run 3 optics
- Getting new BBQ data ended in a key-error.
- Better KeyError Message for Exciter-BPM not found.
2022-05-30 - v0.4.0 - _jdilly_
- Added:
- 2D amplitude detuning analysis and 3D plotting of the results
- Converter for amp.det. analysis from bbs to omc3
- general typehinting/doc/unification of entrypoint parameters/saving
- Fixed:
- Switched action-tune planes in ampdet-kick file header-names
- Deprecated way of pandas indexing (`.loc` for nearest points)
- Allow different sized kick-files for amp.det. analysis
2022-05-19 - v0.3.0 - _jdilly_
- Added:
- Linfile cleaning script.
2022-04-25 - v0.2.7 - _awegshe_
- Added:
- There is now an option, `coupling_pairing`, for the BPM pairing in coupling calculation, to let the user choose the number of BPMs instead of the usual "best candidate" method.
2022-04-25 - v0.2.6 - _awegsche_
- Fixed:
- Only perform index merging on the `NAME` column during coupling calculation. This solves an (at the moment) un-understood issue where some BPMs would have different `S` values in different files.
2022-04-12 - v0.2.5 - _awegsche_
- Fixed:
- An additional knob and macros definition file has been added to reflect the knobs used by OP in the LHC Run 3. This makes sure any `omc3.model_creator` run for the LHC with `year >= 2022` has correct knobs.
2022-04-07 - v0.2.4 - _fsoubelet_
- Miscellaneous:
- The jpype1 package is not a default dependency anymore, and is instead included as a dependency in the cern and test extras. Its import is mocked where needed in omc3.
2022-02-23 - v0.2.3 - _awegsche_
- Fixed:
- The coupling calculation now includes additional columns in the output dataframes, which were missing while being needed later on by the correction calculation.
2022-01-10 - v0.2.2 - _mihofer_
- Fixed:
- Sequences for K-Modulation are now included in PyPi package
- Bug fixed where default errors in K-Modulation would not have been taken into account
2022-01-10 - v0.2.1 - _fsoubelet_
- _Dummy Release for Zenodo_
2021-07-14 - v0.2.0 - _jdilly_
- Added:
- global correction framework
- global correction entrypoint
- response matrix creation in madx and analytically
- response read/write functions in hdf5
- madx sequence evaluation
- model appenders
- model differences functions
- script to fake measurement from model
- more usages of constants for strings (e.g. column names)
- introducing pathlib.Path in some places
- output-paths in model job-files are relative
- Fixes:
- Matplotlib warnings for `set_window_title`
- excluded Windows and MacOS py3.9 from normal testing, due to installation issues of pyTables
- model creation accepts relative and absolute paths
- Added:
- script to merge kmod results and calculate imbalance
- fixture for temporary/non-temporary test output folder
- scripts to documentation
- Added:
- tfs-plotter
- optics-measurements plotter
- Added:
- lin-file natural tune updater
- Added:
- amplitude detuning analysis
- amplitude detuning and bbq plotting
- time tools
- plotting helpers
- Distinction between `BasicTests` and `Extended Tests`
Before 2020-02
- Updated and moved main functionalities from python 2.7
- Madx wrapper
- Frequency Analysis of turn by turn
- Optics measurement analysis scripts
- Accelerator class and Model Creator
- K-mod
- Spectrum Plotting
- Turn-by-Turn Converter
- `setup.py` and packaging functionality
- Automated CI
- Multiple versions of python
- Accuracy tests
- Unit tests
- Release automation
pylhc Changelog