
Latest version: v0.2.3

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Micro release for skimage import bug


Micro bug fix release (via contributions from Jonas1312 and armavox):

- Fixes matplotlib viewer, broken due to matplotlib API change (
- Documentation fix (
- DICOM pixel value rescaling done correctly (


This is a minor release:

* Bug fixes regarding boolean segmentation masks
* Automatic config file creation
* Marching cubes import error fixed


* README replaced with documentation website at
* Substantial documentation update and tutorials added via sphinx.
* More robust, recursive search for DICOM files in `Scan.get_path_to_dicom_files`
* Annotation consensus utility added for combining multiple annotations (see `pylidc.consensus`).
* Many functions that simply computed a value are now `property` attributes.
* Removed `image_coord` options in associated functions. Contours coordinates only available in image coordinates (i,j).
* Scan objects have many `Zval` objects which provide the `z` (or last coordinate of `ImagePositionPatient` ) values for all the slices of a Scan.
* Bounding box now consistently yields **indexes** for each coordinate axis, whereas previously the first two coordinates were the (i,j) indices of the bounding box and the last coordinate was a `z-value`. Now the bounding box gives index coordinates for all axes (i,j,k)
* Bounding box is now given as a tuple of Python slice objects so that the bounding box can be used to index into volumes easily.
* The previous bounding box behavior (returning a matrix with inclusive stop and start indices) is available in `bbox_matrix()`.
* Bounding box offers a flexible `pad` option for creating padded bounding boxes.



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