- imporvement: added support for non-standard excel file xml tags, see issue `44 <https://github.com/PydPiper/pylightxl/issues/44>`_
- bug fix: fixed keyrow bug, see issue `47 <https://github.com/PydPiper/pylightxl/issues/47>`_
- bug fix: addressed csv writing issue related to cells that contain '\n' that previous started a new row. New version replaces '\n' with '', see issue `49 <https://github.com/PydPiper/pylightxl/issues/49>`_
- bug fix: newly written workbooks written by pylightxl could not create new worksheets within excel after opening. The fix was to removed sheetView xml tag, see issue `50 <https://github.com/PydPiper/pylightxl/issues/50>`_
- improvement: added encoding='utf-8' to write altworksheets to support chinese encoding error, see issue `51 <https://github.com/PydPiper/pylightxl/issues/51>`_