
Latest version: v0.8.0

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* [88]( Fixed builds with Django 1.10 (thanks to [federicobond](
* [91]( Fixed race condition when running with pylint parallel execution mode (thanks to [jeremycarroll](
* [64]( "Meta is old style class" now suppressed on BaseSerializer too (thanks to [unklphil](
* [70]( Updating to handle newer pylint/astroid versions (thanks to [iXce](


* [76]( Better handling of mongoengine querysetmanager
* [73]( (72)[] Make package zip safe to help fix some path problems
* [68]( Suppressed invalid constant warning for "app_name" in
* [67]( Fix view.args and view.kwargs
* [66]( accessing _meta no longer causes a protected-access warning as this is a public API as of Django 1.8
* [65]( Add support of mongoengine module.
* [59]( Silence old-style-class for widget Meta


* [52]( - Fixed stupid mistake when using versioninfo


* [51]( - Fixed compatibility with pylint 1.5 / astroid 1.4.1


* [43]( - Foreign key ID access (`somefk_id`) does not raise an 'attribute not found' warning
* [31]( - Support for custom model managers (thanks [smirolo](
* [48]( - Added support for django-restframework (thanks [mbertolacci](


* Pylint 1.4 dropped support for Python 2.6, therefore a constraint is added that pylint-django will only work with Python2.6 if pylint<=1.3 is installed
* [40]( - pylint 1.4 warned about View and Model classes not having enough public methods; this is suppressed
* [37]( - fixed an infinite loop when using astroid 1.3.3+
* [36]( - no longer warning about lack of `__unicode__` method on abstract model classes
* [PR 34]( - prevent warning about use of `super()` on ModelManager classes

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