- Pylint 1.4 dropped support for Python 2.6, therefore a constraint is
added that pylint-django will only work with Python2.6 if pylint<=1.3
is installed
- `40 <https://github.com/pylint-dev/pylint-django/issues/40>`__ - pylint
1.4 warned about View and Model classes not having enough public
methods; this is suppressed
- `37 <https://github.com/pylint-dev/pylint-django/issues/37>`__ - fixed an
infinite loop when using astroid 1.3.3+
- `36 <https://github.com/pylint-dev/pylint-django/issues/36>`__ - no
longer warning about lack of ``__unicode__`` method on abstract model
- `PR 34 <https://github.com/pylint-dev/pylint-django/pull/34>`__ - prevent
warning about use of ``super()`` on ModelManager classes