- Rewrite of the internals of the checker to compare usages against protobuf
message and field descriptors. This change represents a significant departure
in the design of the checker towards an AST transform of pb2 modules into
plain class definitions and leveraging the astroid inference framework to
track scope changes and name shadowing. This release should have feature
parity with 0.13 (some message details have changed, though message codes
remain the same), please raise an issue if behaviours have changed in
unexpected ways.
- This release should address a number of outstanding issues around nested
message and enum definitions (16, 21, 24), renaming/aliasing (23),
and dynamic typing (26). Thanks diana-infinitus-ai, fivepapertigers,
mishas, NickeZ, sagar-infinitus-ai, and xSAVIKx for the reports.