
Latest version: v4.0.2

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- major restructuring for the future of PyMacApp, now to include (a) buildtools and (b) runtools
- pymacapp.buildtools contains, at this point, app and package which are designed to aid in the creation of building, signing, and notorizing .app and .pkg files
- pymacaoo.runtools is intended to contain tools for use in coding python applications
- introduces CustomURIApplication, a subclass of QApplication for PySide6 to handle Custom URIs, pairing with url_schema in (from pymacapp.runtools import CustomURIApplication)
- PyMacApp will now require PySide6 to support these new runtools


- bug fixes for v.2.2.2 that caused a faulty specpath by moving the custom url_schema to a plist modification post-build instead of modifying the spec file pre-build


- adds the (alpha) ability to define a custom schema (myappschema://...) to access/launch the app from a web browser; define in the app.config(..., url_schema="...")


- adds the ability to use --hidden-import MODULENAME and --collect-submodules MODULENAME by passing lists of module names in the App.config(...) command


- fixed README to reflect 2.0.1 changes


- reformatted major sections of the code to better structure the project for maintaining into the future
- completed migration to modern subprocess utilization

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