* Eliminated some small bugs in parser module as well as in other sections of code. This version is a significant step up from 0.90.1 !
* Implemented some work-around for PyMacLab to install/compile correctly under Enthought EPD on Macintosh.
* Eliminated some bug in model.updaters methods which did not update model.vardic at all when new item was assigned.
* When the PyMacLab library gets loaded, the correct number of CPU cores is now auto-detected and used automatically throughout.
* DSGE models can now be instantiated by passing an entire triple-quoted model file string to the model class, instead of using filepath.
* The DSGE model instance now has object model.template_paramdic which can be passed to pymaclab.modfiles.templates.wheezy_template to generate modfile.
* New steady state solution method introduced. Simply pass sstate="some Python dictionary" to pass values from outside model.
* New steady state solution method introduced. The USE_FOCS option can now also be declared from inside the model file.
* For SS calculations inside the numerical SS section it is now possible to compute smart starting values using symbolic maths, instead of just numbers.
* Inside variable substition section users can now employ new reserved command ALL{} to auto-generate large number of derivative declarations. See docs.
* The library now contains an extensive test suite using nose, just call pymaclab.test() to run it. Makes the library robust.
* Added a couple of experimental models in pymaclab.modfiles.models (Experimental RBC_Romer contributed by David Pugh at Edinburgh University. Thanks!)
* Updated documentation to describe new functionality/features.
* TODO: More DSGE models have to be added and existing ones modified.
* TODO: The documentation is still not complete. Especially the stats module is not explained.
* TODO: May write additional model templates using Jinja2 and Cheetah, instead of using only Wheezy.
* TODO: Use new templating funcionality to implement method which produces Dynare-compatible model files.