
Latest version: v0.18.1

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new features:
- new primitives for splines: `Interpolated` and `Softened`
- added `io.cachefunc` decorator to easily use temporary files
- the config file is now a yaml file instead of a json, to incread readability
- increased compatibility of constraints `Parallel`, `Angle`, `Distance`
- improved the way to use `Kinematic` and `Solid` (see the docs)
- renamed some joints definitions
- renamed `Torsor` into `Screw` the proper mathematical term
- new mesh methods:
+ `Mesh.orient`
+ `Web.islands`

bug fixes:
- **boolean operations** : all known bugs fixed
- many numeric issues and display issues fixed


new features:

- better annotations and primtive constraints, see `madcad.scheme`
- added many methods to `Mesh`
- added `mesh_distance`
- added ghost transparent display for surfaces improved Web rendering

**breaking change**
- `project, unproject, noproject` are now insensitive to the direction length !
(insensitive as long as direction is not too close to length 0)
this should be much more convenient, and more efficient on average, but it can eventually breaks existing code that were not using normalized directions.


new features: junctions and blendings

the new blending submodule brings mainly the following functions:

- `junction(*interfaces, ...) `
to create surfaces between outlines
- `blendloop(inteface, ...)`
to fill a loop
- `blendpair(*interfaces, ...)`
to fill between 2 lines

all these support different ways to set the tangents, and different way to specify the line interfaces, checkout the doc !

the ability to blend between 2 curves by adding the necessary subdivisions have been removed in favor of the blending module, it should be reintroduced in the next releases.


new rendering pipeline

This new release brings:
- few changes in the API
- big change in the API and implementation regarding the display
- automatic adaptation of the 3D view to the system theme

The new rendering system give a very similar look to objects, but behaves very differently inside.
Most of the advantages of this change are coming in the next features that this rendering system allows.

- the displays can be parented
* allowing local coordinates, grouping objects
* the events are dispatched descending the parenting tree
* the display order is independent of the parenting
* the kinematic displays benefits from this, having a local space for each solid
- the scene content is independent of the viewer widget
* the former `View` class is splitted across `View`(Qt widget) and `Scene` (gui-agnostic scene)
* allows to manage one only scene used by several view widgets
* decreasing GPU memory usage
- `quickdisplay` is improved and renamed `show`


chamfers and bevels

Here is the new release, with most of the work of the last month !

- added general purpose chamfers and bevels, now working and any set of edges and points (see documentation)
- added some useful functions to mathutils
- changed some functions signatures, especially web and wire
- other minor improvements and bug fixes


first release marks the first published version of this library.
Features working (even if not complete for some):

- line primitives
- solver for primitive constraints
- mesh/wire data types
- surface generation functions (extrusion, revolution, ...)
- boolean operations
- chamfer/bevel operations
- kinematic joints definitions
- kinematic solver and interactive manipulation
- 3D display for almost any madcad object
- Qt 3D scene widget

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